1 Peter Bible Study Questions: Living in a Fallen World
Basic & Advanced Questions
An introductory commentary on 1 Peter familiarizes leaders and students before providing basic and advances questions (99 pages).
1 Peter Bible Study Questions provides both basic and advanced Bible Study Questions suitable to personal and small group Bible studies for the purpose of strengthening the spiritual life of Christian believers.
Advanced questions help you dig down deeper and better able to communicate the message to others in very relevant ways. These questions are great for sermon preparation time too. The NASB is used but careful attention is given to the Greek.
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Description of 1 Peter Bible Study Questions: Living in a Fallen World
15 Bible studies firmly founded on God’s Word are provided along with an extended introductory commentary on 1 Peter familiarizes leaders and students on the background to further enrich their study including: an outline, map, overview of 1 Peter word studies and introductory descriptions of Peter, the author, as well as the scattered flock that Peter wrote to. Instructions on using the questions for a small group are also added.
Each section of 1 Peter is broken up into teaching or study sections. There is a set of basic and advanced questions for each section. The NASB is used because it leans to being a more literal translation though we encourage other translations to enrich your study. The series of questions are meant to lead one into the discovery and application of the scripture passage. Basic study questions have three parts.
The answers to these questions will be found right in the Bible passage. These questions will encourage one to ask, “What does the passage actually say?” These questions always have the verse number in the question itself or at the end of the question in parenthesis like: (3). If you use a different version, keep the NASB handy in case your text doesn’t seem to match the question. Room is left after each question to encourage the discipline of writing down the answers. In the .doc version you can extend this space in the style section.
The answers to thought questions are not directly found in the Bible text. They are not meant to be hard, but they could be if one does not have an adequate Bible background. They can be skipped over without much problem.
Usually at the end, though sometimes scattered in the middle of the Biblical questions, are application questions. These questions encourage one to ask, “How is this passage relevant to my life?” These answers are meant to be personal and have to do with one’s own life. It take a little bit more time to complete but this is where the truth begins to be integrated into your Christian life.
Besides basic study questions, there are also advanced questions meant for the student who wants to delve further into the truths of God’s Word. They combine both thought and application questions. They tend to require more time but better flesh out the meaning and purpose of the passage.
Biblical questions
Thought questions
Application questions
Advanced questions
The advanced set of questions are for those advanced students of God’s Word who have been trained in other parts of the scriptures and can relate a broader perspective to the passage. Some of these passages are so rich and deep that a simple Bible study cannot capture the many truths therein. These questions tend to be more applicative both in a practical and theological sense. They are designed to allow God’s Word to reshape our thoughts. In the basic set of questions we would focus on what is being said and simply apply, but in the advanced set of questions, a deep analysis of the text is developed through the study questions given.