Donations for Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF)
July 2024
Dear BFF Supporters and Friends,
Thank you for your kind interest in Biblical Foundations for Freedom. We share about BFF's needs and work to enable you to discern better if God would lead you to support this ministry. God has wonderfully worked in and through BFF right up to today. Your financial support helps BFF fulfill her vision.
The diagram above shows how the Lord helps us create, distribute, and edify others through Biblical, Christian training resources to bring Him glory. BFF’s created resources can be freely distributed as God leads. Later, we will show you how this happens.
Donate $25. to BFF here, or go to our Square donation page for more options.
BFF’s history is now 24 years long! I honestly did not know where that original vision from the Lord back in 2000 would lead us. It’s intriguing to look back and observe where God has led. I could never have imagined the scope of today’s present ministry with English and international languages. Below are two charts that summarize God’s amazing work. The gigabytes (gb) of data include relevant articles, books, mp3s, videos, slides, etc. (Now 160gb.)
The Seed Project offers free resources to those in the developing world or needy situations. BFF’s resources, readership, and usage go far and wide. The Lord called me when web development was in its infancy. This year, we have exceeded 9 million page views on the two websites combined, averaging 26,000 daily page views. This does not include those accessing BFF digital libraries directly or Bible colleges printing BFF books.
BFF's Seed Project
Let me give you a recent example from a chat on WhatsApp. This pastor leads fifty other pastors in a grassroots church training ministry in Buchanan City, Liberia. After getting acquainted, I could instantly gift him access to all the digital libraries through an updated master index link, permitting him to pass them on to others in Liberia. As he asked, I’m unsure if or when I can visit him to help train his people, but God’s work continues! We praise God for His marvelous work!
God has also graced us with life-transforming Christian training resources. When traveling worldwide, I find that most pastors lack discipleship, much like Christians in our country. We offer many specialized courses and books, unleashing the truths of God’s Word. One Cameroon pastor re-taught the book/video course on Overcoming Anxiety to his people. (This is free on our BFFbible.org if you sign in.)
Another pastor whom I have visited three times, wrote earlier this year,
“I'm always doing in this Cebuano/Bisaya translation for my students pastors in the rural areas. I put the translation in your Word/doc materials and save, then print, book bind, and send to the pastors and students in different places. I'm also blessed because of your materials in the website that you have made for us here in the Philippines.” - southern Philippines
BFF's New Resources
Meanwhile, God has given us much grace to continue producing life-change Biblical resources, as seen in the diagram below.
We are a faith mission and do not know how much comes in each month. For over twenty years, God has provided! And we praise Him for His faithfulness. Our support level has dropped since the pandemic and our move. I am sharing this so that you know the BFF ministry needs. If you want to receive our monthly prayer letter, please click and sign up. Please call or chat with further questions. Right now in July, we are running about 35% our budget.
Prayerfully consider giving to BFF if you are looking for an international Biblical ministry that God uses to make a difference worldwide and at home. Thanks again for all your friendship and support over these many years.
In Christ's Majestic Love,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell,
BFF’s President, Author, and Instructor
Email: info@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+1) 412-398-4559 (Mobile/text)
405 Blooming Meadows Rd,
Holly Springs, NC 27540 USA
The financial support team enables Biblical Foundations for Freedom to continue to produce and distribute quality biblical training resources and provide Christian training instruction around the world.
Check here for our financial/ministry letter (Jan 2023).
We welcome your donations!
Biblical Foundations for Freedom, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and offers tax-deductible receipts for those in the USA. Please note any special fund you might want to give to. If no designation is mentioned, it will be placed in the general fund.
We recognize that God might guide you into making a financial investment in this ministry. We welcome your support.
General (Unmarked categories go to general funds, including taxes, salary, purchases, etc.)
STM (Short-term training trips - BFF needs about $7 -13,00 per year. Due to restrictions regarding the virus, international trips have been put on a hold. However, we have key projects that we support. Text and ask me more.
Editing/Translation By producing several books and a seminar in the past several years, the need for help editing becomes increasingly important. We are actively involved in translating and distributing our books into different languages.
Love (Charity funds are largely used for overseas pastors, families, and other ministry needs. We are acquainted with many orphans, building needs, etc. among the most unreached nations and those recently having the church established.)
SQUARE: Another way to make donations to BFF!
Get your church involved!
Consider having your church get involved in this strategic form of worldwide training. BFF specializes in the training process and has 7 digital libraries and more than 10 international languages of its own training materials to equip pastors/evangelists around the world. Invite Paul to make a presentation or send a powerpoint at your church.
Biblical Foundations for Freedom, Inc. is an accepted 501(c)(3) non-profit offering tax-deductible receipts for donations, donated items, and property. An email is sent as a receipt for your donation. A tax-deductible receipt (see above section) will also be mailed to you at the end of the year if over $200 and residing in the United States.
STM in Myanmar - Burma from Paul J. Bucknell on Vimeo.