BFF’s Mission and Vision

A Mission Statement

Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF) by God’s grace and for His glory seeks:

  1. To have people everywhere encounter the power and relevance of God’s Word in their lives,

2. To equip the church with media-enriched Christian training material and programs for each level of maturity, and

3. To provide instruction through advanced training material and programs for the development of strong and godly Christian leaders.

BFF’s Vision

The recent explosion of technology and communication have created a special opportunity for releasing the life-changing power of God’s revealed truth worldwide. Biblical Foundations for Freedom hopes by God’s grace and for His glory to effectively proclaim the relevancy of God’s Word worldwide to modern man through free scriptural and graphic-oriented web teaching materials. Accomplishing this task requires three stages.

  1. Communicating God's power and love by producing graphic-oriented materials to explain the truths in God’s Word for the modern reader with his acute needs of fear, pornography, worry, relationships, etc.
  2. Coordinating efforts with other gifted teachers around the world by producing a web-based discipleship Bible commentary committed to the inerrancy and relevancy of God’s Word to the lives of modern man.
  3. Consolidating the great number of scriptural teachings in order to develop a comprehensive, relevant, and easily communicable biblical perspective to live in the modern world.

Stage #1 Hope Restored

Purpose: Reconnecting people to God and His Word by providing hope that they themselves can by God’s grace and truth find freedom from their sins and power to live godly lives.

Stage #2 Knowledge Expanded

Purpose: Reviving an interest and commitment of Christians worldwide to the relevance and power of God’s Word in his daily life.

Stage #3 Reformation Generated

Consolidating the great number of scriptural teachings in order to develop a comprehensive, relevant and easily communicable biblical perspective for man in the modern world.

Purpose: Reforming our society by engaging modern man to understand and respond to the timeless truth of God’s Word.

Your web servant - Paul Bucknell


Moving our generation’s heart and mind closer to God!