The Making of A Godly Leader: Isaiah 53, The Fourth Servant Song
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The Making of A Godly Leader: Isaiah 53, The Fourth Servant Song by Paul J. Bucknell opens up a new dimension to understanding Christ not only after the cross but up to the cross, providing excellent practical training for our lives as Christian leaders.
Isaiah 53 constantly surprises us as it unfolds new ways to deepen the qualities of a godly leader. We ought to fix “our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith” (Heb 12:2) but are often unsure how best to do that. This Biblical study on Isaiah’s fourth Servant Song catches and holds our attention as it discloses striking insights into Jesus Christ’s life leading up to the cross and beyond. Each of the five stanzas highlights a different factor contributing to Jesus’ glorious example. This expositional treatment of Isaiah 53 challenges our doctrine and our approach and response to difficult and frustrating situations faced in Christian ministry. The Making of a Godly Leader includes exercises and study questions, eighteen personal projects, and theological studies stemming from this Biblical passage.