BFF’s 7 Digital Libraries
Online resources with ongoing access!
Our wide-range Christian training resources are here to help you grow and to facilitate a more effective ministry!
Access to 7 digital libraries: Sale $219.93
No matter where you are in your Christian life, these resources strategically help you take significant steps forward in your spiritual development. ‘The Flow’ shows how God’s Spirit purposely and powerfully works in your life. Freedom is all about a life guided and empowered by God’s Spirit to do God’s will, not trying to express our feelings and get our way. As our Creator, He uniquely made us contribute to His overall plan—but we need His grace to consistently His God-glorifying purposes in our lives.
Click here for the brief introduction video!
Web pages are so limiting—and so that is where our digital libraries of over 150gb's resources come in.
- Teaching powerpoint slides that you can adapt and use!
- Lots of study questions that take you deeper into these life-changing studies!
- Like listening better than videos? We have over a thousand mp3 audios.
- In-depth studies of the biblical text—commentaries, word studies, biblical languages, etc.!
- We go far beyond superficial studies by showing you how to be an overcomer. We don’t only describe anxiety but also show you how to get into God’s peace!
- Gain insights from our full range of resources that enrich each article, book, and study.
- With full copyright privileges, we open our library resources for you to use freely!*
- We live for God’s glory, desiring more of God in each of our lives across the globe. We offer a money-back guarantee (3 month's time).
Our vision is to build up the bride of Christ so that upon Christ’s return, she, the church, will put on her dazzling apparel to please Christ, her bridegroom.
Feel free to write to me, Paul, at pb@bffbible.org.
- Free to modify, print, and use for your purposes, including your ministry, without asking, but do contact me when reselling or translating.
- We welcome you to download the files and store them on your various devices. We cannot promise constant internet access but will do our best to meet your needs. A number have reached out to me after their computers went down, etc. We re-equipped them with full access. Just let us know your original email address when ordering.
- We never distribute your email, etc.
This includes immediate access to all our books, slides, handouts, studies, study questions, audios, and videos! We even have courses!
Download or cloud usage can be used on whatever device(s) the purchaser uses (e.g family). Other arrangements can be made to share with others (see below).
For further options, check out this page.