The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis The Book of Foundations
Great articles on Genesis for both personal enrichment as well as for teaching. Includes maps, diagrams and many Bible studies. (413 pages)
A great help to enriching your teaching in Genesis or your own personal growth. - Just expanded!
The Bible Teaching Commentary of Genesis includes many diverse resources for teaching and personal study for the Book of Genesis.
Genesis helps you gain great insight into God’s design, what is wrong and how to restore things the way He wants. |
Maps, genealogy charts, overview themes, outlines, handouts, diagrams, Bible study questions, and many exciting expository articles are all included.
These materials have come from many years of personal study and experience of teaching students this wonderful book. This book is where it all begins. If one wants to build a strong foundation for one’s Christian life, it will include a clear understand of the Book of Genesis. Genesis is where it all begins!