BFF Discipleship #3 Digital Library
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All our Level #3 discipleship books, slides, audio videos, and other resources for mature believers are included in D3!
“I am so excited about discovering your resources! I followed your instructions, and they work great. Your work has blessed me greatly! These materials will be so helpful in discipling the soon-coming harvest!!”–CH
The BFF D3 Discipleship Training Library provides materials for Christian believers who want to know God more. We might not stumble so often, but treacherous steps lay about us.
There is an ongoing opportunity for deepening our relationship with God and more effectively producing the fruit God has designed us to bear.
Included in this resource library are:
• Another book, Abiding in Christ, reliving how the Lord deepened my faith as I read through the Gospels.
- An overview of The Flow (Christian Life)
- A description of how a person grows at this advanced level.
- Many audio and video training sessions
- How to handle crises.
- Training materials to deepen your walk with God.
- Special instruction on how to help others grow.
- The Godly Man: When God Touches a Man’s Life along with mp3s.
- Redemption Through the Scriptures-book with a full study guide
• Two smaller books on helping the person contemplating going into full-time ministry.
Biblical Counseling
As a person spiritually grows, he or she becomes a valuable guide to others struggling with varying issues. Learn the basics of biblical counseling. We even have an article on handling depression from the Book of Haggai.
The Dark World
The unseen world intrigues us. Through the two series, we unlock different mysteries through careful biblical investigation.
Do you have a question on the dark world that you can’t understand? We have an article focused on answering those type of questions! Twelve articles in all!
Follow the path of biblical studies to learn how the Holy Spirit enables you to live a rich Christian life!
Do you know what to say to the cults when they come to your door? Or what to say to believers when they ask you what they should think of them?
Life in the Spirit! Experiencing the Fullness of Christ
Evangelizing the Cults
We have a detailed explanation of working with Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons as well as our liberal Christian friends.
This exciting seminar opens up our eyes to how Christians continue to grow at this third level of spiritual development.
Reviving Our Lives and Ministries Through God’s Word
Special topics include:
Seminaries are not doing their job. We want to produce men who are equipped in heart and mind for the service of God and man.
Reviving our Faith
Deepening our Reflections
Tracing our Life’s Journey
Pursuing Our God
Shaping the heart
Supplying skills and vision
Seeking Him in His Word