BFF Parenting Digital Library
With ongoing access!
Includes all BFF's parenting resources (books, articles, mp3s, videos, pdfs, slides, handouts, etc.) including free updates.
Principles & Practices of Biblical Parenting has twelve exciting chapters showing how to raise godly children, from toddler age and up to teens. Special care is given to show the biblical foundation for such instruction.
With eight children we load this book with practical teaching!
What is included? A lot. The book is available in both pdf and epub format. Slides and handouts are available for all chapters. Videos and audios of nine chapters from live training will highlight the teaching in each chapter as well as give you a better understanding of the Bucknell family.
The Godly Beginnings for the Family
Besides this, 8 great sets of powerpoints (ppt) and handouts for each session are included. The chapter questions highlight the special lessons from each biblically-based chapter.
We have also included our Discipling Our Sons: Getting Started book. Paul wrote this as he figured out how to start discipling his son when he was yet preteen.
We wrote this book to pass our biblical and practical insights on. Just when we had our eighth child, we wrote this book. While it took us many years to gain this insight, we want you to start off right – and easy.
This Parenting Digital Library has all our parenting videos, audios, and articles!
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