Written by Paul J Bucknell on January, 21, 2020
Detecting God’s Glory: How We Learn Theology From the Scriptures
The Verse
“O LORD, You have searched me and known me.” (Psalm 139:1)
The Discussion
God’s eternal glory can easily overwhelm our puny minds and spirits. There is a good reason for the godly prophets to fall as dead when God revealed Himself to them (e.g., Daniel, John). God’s preeminence always stands brilliant and compelling against our severely limited knowledge of Him. My purpose here is to show how theology is deduced from the scriptures. We allow God to authoritatively speak through His Word. Many, today, are turning away from shaping their view of God from the holy scriptures, preferring to succumb to false teachings, beliefs, and evil practices.
I acknowledge there are a few limitations to the study here. For instance, I limit the scope of this study to one verse. Nor am I trying to provide the scope of the teachings gleaned from the totality of the scriptures. There is a place for these more extensive studies. (I have deliberately tackled this more in numerous books found in the Discipleship #3 Digital Library.) This study, instead, sets out the needed approach to the scriptures due to the flagrant and pronounced ‘selfology’ that is so evident today.
I have an intense concern that we highly esteem God’s Word to its highest position of authority in our lives and minds. When I looked at this verse (Psalm 139:1), all of a sudden, like a new student starting his first class, a panorama of God’s glorious person opened before my mind. God redeems, judges, and is involved, gracious, intimate, omniscient, and personal. God used this one verse to expand my understanding of Himself. I’ll now expand on some of these conclusions derived from His words about Him.

God involves Himself in this material world. For some reason, He pays attention to the details that happen in this world. From which, we can assume they are relevant to Him. But more than this, He steps into our personal lives, processing information about our lives to search and know us.
Study Questions on Detecting God’s Glory
1. After meditating on Psalm 139:1, what significant thought stands out to you? Why?
2. List the various attributes or characteristics of God hinted at in Psalm 139. (Read the whole Psalm to affirm your thoughts.)
3. How do we know God understands our thoughts?
4. Why does God’s personal knowledge of us become the basis of His judgment of our lives?
5. Why, if God perceives all our sins, we need not be afraid of God?
6. What is the significance of God’s personal name (LORD, Yahweh) used in this verse?
7. How is it that God sending His Son into the world fulfills the Psalmist’s greatest hopes here?
For further study:
Various resources included in the Discipleship #3 Digital Library
Ephesians 3:21 God’s Amazing Glory- The Bible Teaching ...
Ephesians 3:21, God’s Amazing Glory,” is section 3 of 4 parts of The Bible Teacher’s Commentary that shows the amazing glory of God that is revealed in the ...
Isaiah 66.18-22 Declare His Glory Among the Nations: God’s ...
’Glory to the Nations’ exposits Isaiah 66:18-22 by speaking of God’s mission: God’s determination (66:18), God’s ability (66:19) and God’s plan (66:20-22) to ...
Psalm 8:1-9 Experiencing the Glory of God; Examining Self-Esteem ...
Psalm 8 enables us to experience the glory of God and examine the Self-esteem movement. In order to appreciate and live for God’s glory, we must make room ...