Jesus in Matthew 6:12, 14-15 provides remarkable insights into why forgiving others is so urgent and difficult.

Join our class, Unity: The Forgotten Treasure. Why do we all say we believe in unity but not practically carry it out?

Learn how to weed out sinful problems in one's Christian life from an illustration of weeding crabgrass.

How can suffering lead to glory? In Isaiah 53:10-12, we see the stunning conclusion to the prophecy of the Suffering Servant.

This expositional teaching importantly helps us catch the Servant’s attitude to injustice, God’s will, and suffering—an attitude we desperately need to hold.

Isaiah 53:4-6, tucked deep down in the center of the fourth Servant Song, unfold the heart of the Servant’s plan—the Gospel.

The Difficulty of Christ’s Life, Isaiah 53:1-3, consists of three verses, revealing the dreadful degree of the Servant’s sufferings, specifically His spurned message, personal inferiority, and societal rejection.

The Making of a Godly Leader (Isaiah 52:13–53:12), part 1 of 6, A great Good Friday or Lent study.

Observe how to find peace by examining several biblical models and how Jesus handled challenging situations.

This second part of step 1 explains the journey to peace, contrasting the world's peace with God's immeasurably better peace.

Journey from worry to peace with God, Part 1 of 3

Take a brief tour on the journey to overcome anxiety and fears and find God's peace!

Stay tuned! The Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace and Discovering God class sessions will start to be added soon!

You can't safely navigate life without waiting on God. We focus not two tough topics: seeking ministry and handling revenge. Y

Why do believers wait on God? What does it mean?

How do the love and fear of God work together, or do they?

Why can't we be godly without fearing God?

How do doubts about God's goodness hold back a believer's growth?

No need to doubt God's goodness! Here's why.

Studying the biblical use of righteousness brings about surprises.

Learn how to grow in righteousness!

Examine the quality of your love.

See what happens when God's powerful love touches your life.

Discover truth's power in your life!

See why living according to the truth brings about the best life!

Learn how God showcases His rich grace in our lives!

Explore how God's grace enriches your life!

Learn why faith is so crucial for a strong Christian life. A study on Hebrews 11.

Examine the Christmas message from one of the Old Testament prophets in Isaiah 9:1-7.

Paul suggests three sequential waves of influence that will lead the church forward.

How have our differences negatively impacted Christian training? We explore how unity's truth would refine and refocus our goals for Christian leadership training.

What purposes do systematic theology and doctrine serve?

Check out these 3 illustrations how to take challenging texts and find points of unity!

Learn from God's magnificent promises on how to transform our despondency and despair into hope!

We first show how to achieve unity even though we might differ in interpreting Genesis 2:15-17, commonly used for the Covenant of Works.

Our goal is unity, not toleration. We use the Virgin Birth as an example to achieve unity.

Consider how the doctrine of the Trinity can unite us, rather than divide.

We study the factors that shaped the Nicene Creed, including the Arian Controversy and its unhealthy influences on the church’s unity.

Do we espouse sound doctrine, or does today’s sound doctrine describe something different from what Paul espoused?

Learn to follow our invisible God!

We can learn a lot about humility from Jesus's example. Let's explore Philippians 2:3-8 and its relevance to leadership i

Unity arises from collectively centering on and admiring Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

Unity allows us to approach scriptures with others peacefully, lovingly, and joyfully. Learn some practical ways to do this!

Learn two ways BFF resources bring out the power of theology through understanding its purpose of building up the Christian life.

Learn how to humble our hearts and the way this helps us in our Christian lives.

Join us on a study of 1 Samuel 16 on how to gain a pure heart!

We show you how biblical meditation works with some exciting passages.

Learn how to separate our opinions and thoughts from God's solid word. It's not that easy!

Gaze upon the supremacy of Jesus Christ over against the knowledge of doctrine.

How do we distinguish the major doctrines from the minor?

Watch more than 20 years of God's empowering grace for BFF!

Take a brief tour through this exciting book, filled with diagrams: Redemption Through the Scripture by Paul J. Bucknell! (See store above)

Learn from Jesus' way of confronting those who theologically opposed Him.

Develop a learning heart, the first of seven approaches to develop a spirit of unity.

Learn how our mental filters help us identify our underlying Christian divisions.

Learn how to get moving in your Christian life with the Wheel of Christian growth. 2 Peter 1:8

Which of the three interpretations of 1 John 2:12-14 do you follow?

God calls His people back to Himself through His word! “To the law and to the testimony!" (Isaiah 8:20)

Session 6 reveals one of the foundational problems facing the church's unity.

Study the biblical roots of the church's unity? How important is it to God?

How has the church's leadership worsened the issue of unity?

The church’s divisiveness reveals a foundational problem—the unwillingness or inability to change.

Is unity a truth to believe and defend, or discard?

The Pergamum church in Revelation 2:12-17 provides unique insights into the problem of compromise.

Learn a way to interpret safely a difficult verse!

Expository treatment of this difficult section of Ecclesiastes in chapter 7.

This Ecclesiastes' Survey addresses its Organization, Counter Themes, and Purpose.

Study 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2, Parousia, and the Day of the Lord

By learning about the 3 'Ifs' used by the devil in Matthew 4:1-11, we can better detect and resist the evil one's temptations.

Watch how agape love, Christian love from God, enables any marriage to blossom, grow, and bear lovely fruit. Session 4 of 4.

Learn what makes a stale and dull marriage and how to grow from it! Session 3 of 4.

Session 2 discusses the initial stage of marriage after the wedding, exploring factors that unite couples for life and potential challenges they may face.

Ecclesiastes 4:13-18 gives us special insights into the volatility of life.

Watch how marriages grow—or don’t grow. We introduce the three stages of marriage. (First of four)

Study three crucial life views from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 and see why the Gospel viewpoint is supreme.

Satan uses Hebrews 6:4-8 to confuse the saints about the security of salvation. They fear they will lose salvation and cannot retain it. The verses teach the opposite—we should persevere in our faith!

What is this living hope that the Lord implants in each believer?

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree when it was not in season?

Learn how to develop self-control in your children from an early age!

Faith in Christ is crucial. Without Him, we are lost, but with Him, we find great rewards.

A Study on Biblical Meditation which helps individuals understand the basics of Biblical meditation through a study on Hebrews 5:11-14.

Jesus headed towards Jerusalem with the knowledge of His impending death, and this devotion is evident in His merciful actions.

Agape love in 2 Peter 1:7 goes beyond familial ties and involves extraordinary care and concern for others.

“Brotherly kindness” is the seventh quality.

A study on godliness based on 2 Peter 1:6.

Hebrews 4:14-5:10 illuminates how Jesus assumes the role of the Great and Perfect High Priest.

Christians sometimes use the phrase ‘sound doctrine’ to express their commitment to be theologically accurate. Let’s examine what the Bible teaches about ‘sound doctrine.’

Three crucial heart changes needed to be a persevering Christian from 2 Peter 1:6.

Learn how "add self-control to knowledge" practically works in the Christian life.

Peter states that the road to spiritual development must go through the door of knowledge, gaining more information about something. Let me share five ways that knowledge aids the believer and plays an essential role in fostering godliness.

Peter urges believers to add “moral excellence”, the second quality, to their faith in 2 Peter 1:5.

God gave us precious promises to live our Christian lives (2 Peter 1:4).

2 Peter 1:2-3 Introduces the grandeur of God's wonderful promises.

2 Peter 1:1 lifts up our expectations of what difference the Christian faith makes in a person's life.

The first of three books written to help us develop our relationships with God through personal devotions. Check our store!

Philippians 4:13 presents an opportunity to study the rich promises of God in the Old and New Testaments.

God marvelously imparts His words, purpose, and love to people. God can and does communicate with us—in contrast to animals. But He also speaks more clearly through Jesus Christ (Heb 1:1-3).

Learn how spiritual growth takes place and the practical steps to renew that growth throughout our lives. Video and audio included.

Joshua 13:1-33 helps us discover four essential aspects of genuine success. “And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders."

Christ’s Love in Us is an expository sermon on Philippians 1:9-11 that shows how Christ’s life manifests itself practically in and through our lives in our brotherly love.