Written by Paul J Bucknell on February, 25, 2023
Seeking Revival: Psalm 85:6 and Revival Index
“Wilt Thou not Thyself revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?” (Psalm 85:6)
I’m always excited to see the Holy Spirit move in God’s people—drawing them further and further into God’s presence. This is not marked by shouts and signs as much as a solemn, weighty consciousness of God’s Spirit. Here, the Lord reveals our sins and brings us to repentance and obedience, adoring the glorious work of Jesus Christ.
May God light a hundred fires of revival across the earth!
I have not visited the Asbury University revival (February 2023) in Willmore, Kentucky but heard of it—like many of you—on social media from some who have. (I even heard several leaders wisely say that they have intentionally not called this a revival, refusing to give it a name.)
I have been praying for years for world revival. Perhaps, while witnessing the great evil arising about us, this is the last revival to call God’s people worldwide to Himself before Jesus our King returns. Unlike former revivals, however, God is using social media to pass on a spiritual link and sensitivity to God’s people.
I am not writing the history of the future, trying to speculate what will happen due to the revival, but helping us realize that our lives are the pens God uses to write it. Be sensitive to God and all that He is doing in your lives. Obey as He directs!
Revival is a group experience; renewal is focused on inner changes. Reformation are societal changes due to the Spirit’s charged work in His people. Let’s wait on the Lord together!
Meanwhile, like the Psalmist, let us seek revival.“Wilt Thou not Thyself revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?” (Psalm 85:6) The truths are obvious: (1) We desperately need revival; (2) God originates genuine revivals, and (3) God’s purpose for revival is to heighten man’s ability to understand and praise Him.
I ask you not leave this article without praying for revival in your heart and worldwide!
Below is an index of numerous articles on revival and renewal.
Understanding Genuine Revivals: A lifelong personal growth plan
Revivals are often misunderstood. Understanding Genuine Revivals provides many revival and renewal topics from a biblical perspective, including examples of revival, the process of revival, the reverse process of revival, exhortations for revival, and even a few study questions on revival.
Examples of Revival
Water Gate Revival Nehemiah 8.1-12
The Water Gate Revival in Nehemiah's time reveals three signs of revival movements. A description of the 1905 Welsh Revival is also included.
Call to Revival - Zephaniah: "Gathering Before His Throne"
How did God bring revival to King Josiah through Zephaniah? A complete book study with questions.
Experience True Worship: Nehemiah 9:1-38
During revivals, God cuts through the excuses and dreams of our vain lives. A meeting with God requires us to deal with our personal relationship with Him and others.
Reviving Worship: Nehemiah 10-12
Jerusalem’s great revival went beyond mere outward reform. Learn how their inward reform brought authentic renewal and longing for God.
The Process of Revival
Understanding Revival's Cycles: Judges 2:10-19
A chart and explanation of the Cycle of Decline and Renewal among God’s people.
Constant Personal Renewal: A lifelong personal growth plan
Learn how spiritual growth takes place and the practical steps to renew that growth throughout our lives. Video and audio included.
Reviving Our Personal Devotions
Revival of our soul depends on daily meetings with the Lord. This series teaches us how to meet God fresh each day.
From Revival to Despair: Psalm 106:10-15
By looking at the steps from revival down to despair, we can be warned of that path and never follow that road.
Revival and the Fear of God in Society: Psalm 78
Think through the historical and cultural relationship between revivals and the fear of God in society.
Revival comes from Joining the Church, not Abandoning her
Bring the uncommitted back into the church so she can be a powerful unit to push God’s kingdom forward.
Reviving Our Lives and Ministries through God's Word
Exodus 33:7-11; Joshua 1:6-9; Genesis 12:1-3; Exodus 33:12-23. Each session develops how God revives our souls through properly using His Word. God wants each of His children to deepen their relationship with Him continually. This seminar has four sessions:
Exhortations to be Revived
Five Misunderstandings: Ezekiel 14
The starting point for revival. "If my people, .... " 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Revival and Prayer: 2 Chronicles 6-7
Revival has its source in prayer. Did you ever wonder why? Revival itself is rooted in prayer, bringing back a dead and backward people to God. Prayer is a prerequisite to revival. (Which is why those revived pray for revival for others!)
Solomon's prayer which initiated the Promise for Revival: 2 Chronicles 6-7
God's willingness to promise revival: 2 Chronicles 7:12-15
Revival: God's Promise (Part I): 2 Chronicles 7:14
God's means of Restoration
Revival: God's Action Plan (Part II): 2 Chronicles 7:14
God's means of Restoration
Revival: God's Reward (Part III): 2 Chronicles 7:14
God's means of Restoration
But now for a Brief Moment: Ezra 9.8-10
At the heart of revival, God displays His precious graciousness, intertwining our broken lives with His abounding love.
Three Steps to Renewal: Psalm 119:25
- Step #1: In the Dust
- Step #2: Rising in Hope
- Step #3: Calling for Revival
Revive Me, O Lord: Psalm 119:156
Two basic needs for revival!
Walking in the Spirit: Soaring Above uses the analogy of birds and air to help us understand Spirit-filled living.
Questions to Study Revival
- What is a revival? Is the term biblical or manmade?
- How do revivals happen? Explain the process.
- How is spiritual decline the opposite of a revival?
- What are three signs of revival in the Water Gate revival of Nehemiah?
- Read changes from the 1905 Welsh Revival.
Psalm 119:156 Revive Me, O Lord
The first thing we need to do is define the word 'revive.' We have focused on and prayed for revival for several years. Most ...
Psalm 119:25 Revival: Three Steps to Renewal.
Marks out three steps in which we can be personally renewed. #1 Cleave, #2 Change, #3 Christ.
Deuteronomy 21:15-21 - Reformation: Bringing long-lasting godly ...
During the Welsh revival, the Lord changed the coal miners so that the mines stopped working. They stopped functioning. Why? The miners did ...
Deuteronomy Introduction, Outline and Index - Living Commentary ...
The purpose of Deuteronomy is to remind God's people of His faithfulness and kindness so that they together embrace God's future for their lives.
The Shaping Power of Truth, a video and study questions, is part of ...
Examples of Revival Water Gate Revival Nehemiah 8.1-12 ... From Revival to Despair Psalm 106:10-15. Revival and the Fear of God in Society Psalm 78
Psalm 106: Grace & God's People (Grace & Graciousness Series)
Psalm 106 is a beautiful portrayal of God’s grace, diagraming from revival to despair, identifying the steps down. (So you avoid them!)
Sin and Cultural Standards: Examining the Decline of Morals in the Society
Four Doors to Renewal | Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Four Doors to Renewal. Each door leads us into meditation, leading us to appreciate God's active work in our lives more deeply. The ...
Renewing a Relationship with God.
We sometimes confuse a relationship with a good relationship. We might have several family relationships – aunts, ...
Process of Building our Faith * Tracing Our Life's Journey : Journey #3
Renewing Our Lives and Ministries Through God's Word, –Renewing your spiritual life and ministries through ...
Three Life Detours * Tracing Our Life's Journey Genesis 12-19 ...
Renewing Our Lives and Ministries Through ... Click to see the full 3-day schedule of this Renewal ADT series.
Our Daily Pursuit of God: Renewing Our Affection for God from ...
Our Daily Pursuit of God: Renewing Our Affection for God from Psalm 145:2.
Other Thoughts on Revival
“Restore us, O God of our salvation, And cause Thine indignation toward us to cease” (Psalm 85:4).
What we need today is restoration. We need the Almighty to humble our hearts and save us. We live in a lost generation and don’t even know it! We believe we are lighting up the world, but it is so dark. Oh Lord, please restore us. We are dirty and shameful. We are like a long-ignored room. Old stuff is just thrown in but not cleaned out. Though your great anger is upon us, we play video games! We have gone amok and have a great need for You! I am waiting for you, Lord, for we have no other hope.
Christian sociologists show that most present-day revivals last for an average of five years, and leave in their wake much confusion and dissension. I know of some churches where so-called revivals took place, but now, within just a few years, there is no trace of the Spirit left. Those churches are dead, dry, empty. Houses that once held 1,000 are now cavernous tombs, with only fifty people in attendance. Yet also I know of churches where the Spirit was outpoured fifty years ago, and God is still mightily at work there today. – David Wilkerson in 9/2004 sermon