Written by Paul J Bucknell on August, 10, 2022
Prayer Letter #371
Making it Visible!
I’ve been thinking and praying about BFF’s strategy, purpose, and goals a lot lately. I’ll introduce development today. We are working by God’s power and Spirit to accomplish His purposes through BFF.
“For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me” (Col 1:29).
Initiate: God leads, teaches, strengthens, and emboldens me so I can write. From day 1 back in 2000, God has given me many ideas and motivation. Praise Him!
Write: Sometimes articles take a day to write but more often 4 days; books take months.
Finish: I start many more articles than I finish. I’m trying to finish a book on Ephesians now, seeing I only have a few sections left.

Edit: I should say edit, edit, and more edit. This is the hardest part for me.
Publish: Publishing makes BFF content public in many places and formats, including video format. I can get overwhelmed. For example, I still haven’t finished placing my most recent book—it’s a long process. In the last prayer letter, I mentioned an index for our Hindi resources, but I discovered numerous missing articles in the process.
This process takes time and is hidden from view until final publication occurs, where it can become increasingly visible to people around the globe.
- As part of the super project, Paul wrote the first of mini books on “Quality Time with God,” (editing, videos?, publishing, etc., still to come!).
- The Making of a Godly Leader paperback book is now in stock!
- Lots of family and friends have recently visited us, including a friend’s daughter who is now staying with us temporarily.
- Linda found a pleasant and helpful nearby doctor!
- We hosted a “Low Country Boil” for our small group at our home.
- To switch from writing to publishing demands extra focus (to handle the many websites, publishing, and social media details). It’s getting a bit more difficult.
- Continued focus and wisdom for Paul as he works on the super project’s numerous articles and upcoming books.
- Pray for VISIBILITY!
- Kathryn and Isaac have 4 leaks in their new apartment! Discovered mold; might need to move again. Pray for God to lead them for living and work.
- Our country is groaning under the curse of sin and judgment. Pray for mercy!