Written by Paul J Bucknell on April, 04, 2023
Prayer Letter #380
When We Are Weak
Dear Prayer Partners,
Paul says that when we are weak, we are strong. Our strength is not in ourselves but in God, who oversees all life events. For two days last week, I lay in bed sleeping, unable to do anything. That was my weakness!
But notice, just at the same time, I received emails from Christian pastors in Pakistan, Tanzania, Kenya, and Myanmar, whom I had never before conversed with. They’re all looking for ways to help their churches grow. As I lay in bed, I thought, “Hey, that’s what BFF is here for!” BFF specializes in providing Christian, visually-enhanced, biblically sound resources. The next day I managed to send some emails off to them to give them instant access to all the BFF free resources. I’ll perhaps be able to help Zoom-teach lessons, as one or two requested, but they now have many resources to help them. Even in my weakness, God can and does grow our ministry.
“For we rejoice when we ourselves are weak but you are strong” (2 Cor 13:9).
Join us in your prayers for Linda. We seek God to heal her heart before or through the heart ablation procedure on April 18. A special defibrillator vest she wears 24/7 will provide instant assistance if her heart arrests.
We enjoyed having Linda’s Mom, brother, sister, and Kathryn visit from the north. The beautiful flowers surrounding our property foster so much hope and consistently take our eyes off our world's spreading intense evil.

(Keep reading below for two Linda updates.)
- Linda has been feeling well despite the diagnosis.
- Thankful that the RCCC March 12 message went well and helped people.
- It was so nice for Linda’s Mom to visit; she got to meet 2 more great-grand sons.
- Paul has reshaped an old series into a proper book. Hoping to publish “Abiding in the Vine” soon. (I’ll explain its importance in another letter.)
- We LOVE the beautiful flowers!
Please Pray
- Pray for the healing of Linda’s heart before or during April 18th’s heart ablation.
- How challenging the progress on the church unity book has been! Keep praying.
- Pray for these pastors in Pakistan, Tanzania, Kenya, and Myanmar that received BFF resources and are seeking to grow their churches.
- Paul is working with Pastor Stephen in East India, designing a monthly Zoom class through translation for local pastors there.
Linda Update April 17, 2023 | BFF Prayer #380a
Please keep Linda in your special prayers that God will use this 2+ hour procedure to bring normality to her heart arrhythmia . The good side is that she has felt pretty well, considering. We will be at the hospital on Tuesday (4/18) 5am and the action starts at 7am. Our regular prayer letter will follow with updates probably next week.
Thanks so much for joining our prayers together to our one Father above.
Paul and Linda
Linda Update #2 April 19, 2023 | BFF Prayer #380b
I planned to send an update after a few days, but because so many of you are asking about Linda’s recovery, let me give a brief update today.
One day after the procedure/surgery, Linda is doing well! She arrived at the hospital at 5 am and was home again by 2 pm the same day. The hospital team wonderfully worked together. The almost 90-minute procedure was through veins, not arteries, so recovery has been much quicker. She is up and around.
They couldn’t reach some PVC places, so time will tell how much success there was. Our prayer is that by June, her heart failure will reverse back to normal range, and she will not need a permanent defibrillator. Thanks so much for your love and prayers.
Paul and Linda