Written by Paul J Bucknell on July, 20, 2019
Prayer Letter #329
Across the Borders for the Glory of God
Dear Prayer Partners,
In about six weeks, Lord willing, I will be flying to India to hold two seminars with the Bengali people. There was only $33.78 leftover from the last STM to Tanzania. I bought the tickets in faith that God will supply—AGAIN!
Waiting for funds isn’t anything new. My first trip to India was in 2004 with a budget of over $10,000. Well, in many ways things have not changed! It’s amazing to see how God has prompted so many of you to keep these trips going. Thank You! The visa application asked me to list all the countries I have visited in the last ten years. My first response was, “You’ve got to be kidding!” My second one was, “I can’t even remember the last few years, never mind ten years ago!” But it did remind me that over the past 15 years, God has faithfully provided for every single one of these strategic mission trips.
The September STM will be for 200 pastors, evangelists, many new ones, who face much opposition as they begin new works. They need an encouraging word, one that builds them up, and keeps them and their families close to God. If God leads you, please do join in building up God’s worldwide workers in prayers and finances.
Meanwhile, I just posted the first article of a series on being a Christian for 50 years. Sometimes we forget all the difference Jesus makes in our lives. I cannot fathom life apart from Jesus’ life in me. Do visit our website and pass the news on. Is God a Crutch of Belief? If you sign in, you can leave comments now!

- Across the borders to India. The STM itinerary is mostly in place.
- Thank the Lord that “adding comments” is now enabled at the new website ( www.bffbible.org )
- I posted My First 50 Years article. (Hopefully, others are coming!)
- Daniel passed PTA license exam! Now the job search begins!
- I have been able to work on a chapter a day for my new book.
- Two new translations of different books came in this week—one in Swahili and the other in Chinese! More on these later.
- Started applying for an India visa.
- Handouts for the talks need to be prepared soon for translation.
- Perseverance to keep up the momentum to write a chapter a day.
- Paul preaches Sunday, July 21st.
- Daniel, Isaac, and Rebekah are looking for jobs.
- Wisdom for planning and counseling.