Written by Paul J Bucknell on June, 04, 2019
Prayer Letter #327
Steering into the Future
Dear Prayer Partners,
I launched the original BFF website way back in early 2001. How things have changed! Although our BFF website works fine, it is not suitable for the mobile age. When we started, the website could only be accessed by computer via the internet. Now smartphones and tablets require more versatile web pages. Today, even those with no computer can access the web, and those numbers are quickly increasing.
The new BFF website: www.bffbible.org has a new address, mostly new articles, and in a flexible format that can be accessed more easily—wherever you are and with whatever device you use. You might wonder, “What will you do with the old website?” That is a good question. Since it is in the old format, we will probably phase it out. Google search lessens key searches of non-mobile sites, but it will take several years to update and transfer older articles to the new website. It will need new graphics, weeding out old unwanted code, and the need for further editing.
Meanwhile, do be praying for me as I preach twice this month on Psalms and continue to write and edit. We are excited to see the number of web pages being viewed daily, slowly increase between the two websites—to about 13,000 pages read each day.

- Praise for help for the “Creating a Godly Legacy” class.
- I have made significant progress on changing the way I add web pages and store resources (graphics, pdfs, etc.) to our website.
- The 1 Peter Bible Study Questions book has exited the editing stage and is now ready to be printed!
- Increased functionality on our new website: www.bffbible.org including adding this prayer letter!
- I have almost finished completely editing the Swahili videos.
- Pray as I prayerfully consider my role in helping to develop Christian leadership with a retreat center.
- I hope to finish another book by the end of July. Need focus.
- I am starting to plan a September STM trip.
- Linda has been getting more exercise but has some joint pain.
- Paul preaches on June 9th and 30th.