Written by Paul J Bucknell on September, 13, 2019
Prayer Letter #332
Reports from the Field
Sept 10 2019, 6:30 pm
Thanks for your prayers! It is great to meet so many church planters and evangelists.
This first seminar in Kolkata is going well. Very attentive. Higher attendance so every seat filled—even up front! So many positive remarks (usually through a translator).
The biggest challenge so far has been sleeping. In addition to jet lag, there was a super loud drumming parade (in this case Muslims because they have a majority in this section) every hour through the night. But I have been able to take fifteen-minute naps to get me through.
I will soon speak the 5th time today through a translator. This only works because I have a translator that gives me a break. Not ideal but limited time. Tomorrow one session and then in the afternoon, I’ll fly to the next city. We will begin early on Thursday and go to Saturday. I begin my trip home on Sunday afternoon.
May God continue to strengthen these hard workers who often are out in the villages where there are no other believers.

Sept 14th, 7:15a, 2019
Dear Prayer Partners,
Busy, busy, busy. I’m not used to these 4-5 speaking sessions. Very demanding for me and my one translator—faithful though he be. Today, we have the last five-message session—each being 1 ½ hour long. So pray for grace.
During yesterday’s question-answer time, the very pointed questions revealed that they were soaking these messages in. Often Christians hear motivational sermons rather than learn how God the Spirit works with them to build their Christian lives.
Various factors, including heavy rains, have hindered attendance but still over seventy. Twenty of them will stay on for their church planting training before they return to their work in their otherwise unreached villages. Each works on starting 4-5 small groups, one in each village. So supporting this work is very crucial.
They just finished the third and fourth floors of this huge training center. They literally just finished the floors of the lovely room where I am staying. But it is exciting to see them actively reaching out to the engaged but unreached Bengali people.
Yesterday, I finally switched to India time for sleep. Though largely sleeping through the night, I actually feel more tired for the first hour. Six sessions left. I leave later on Sunday and hope to be home early next week.
My hard drive that stores the many messages died and requires resuscitation, at least to take the first seminar resources off. Also, pray that God will give extra strength for J. the sole translator as he has been visiting a close family whose father died after the seminar sessions at night.
Thanks so much for your partnership in God’s kingdom work!