Written by Paul J Bucknell on April, 09, 2022
Prayer Letter #367
BFF’s International Ministry
Dear Prayer Partners,
BFF’s vision for reaching the world began in 2000. In 2004, Paul began to travel the globe to train Christian leaders in India. I want to answer some of your questions about BFF seminar plans for the future.
First, let me say that the BFF worldwide readership on the websites keeps increasing now over 20,000 pages read each day. Except for the first few, the international seminars are on the web as bilingual videos (in over 10 languages). God gave us a twenty-year head start to develop worldwide Biblical resources.
But returning to the question about the future, I’m willing to travel, but our world is drastically changing. Instead of encouraging air and vehicle transportation, governments vote to cut back on burning fossil fuels. I’m not optimistic that our world will return to normal anytime soon. If so, only for a limited time. Burma still faces a military dictatorship restraining meetings. The worldwide church faces significant hostilities; pray for them. Unreliable flights, quarantines, sudden changes in health restrictions, and limitations to meeting size make it next to impossible for me to conduct conferences.

I do, however, keep in contact with my former coordinators. Some have wrestled with covid and its health and economic impact; others face varying challenging situations. One coordinator in Malawi has recently gone to be with the Lord. Rev. Godstime, with the Bible College in Nigeria, is struggling with a bad heart condition; they hope the medicine helps, but it’s limited. Deus in Tanzania works through the complex effects of malaria and troubles with his radio station.
Yesterday, I had a Zoom meeting with Pastor Jagannath and his team from India. They still face many difficulties but, amazingly, are growing! He has a vision to offer a 4-year pastoral training program. He also asked me to help edit slides and touch up his English website. (Perhaps, a gifted person in your church with an interest in missions can volunteer?) Their English is limited.
Pastor Lito will soon hold graduation in the southern Philippines for the 70 pastors he is training, mainly with BFF resources. I sent one of our e-books and video links to another Pilipino coordinator who asked for BFF resources for improving his preaching and teaching. Pastor Stephen (in India) will soon make a prayer walk through two Indian states.
May God continue to wonderfully bless our opportunities.
- Pray for God’s help and blessings on our international coordinators and contacts.
- Pray for the final push on two books Paul is prepping for his editor.
- Praise that preaching went well on March 27th, but sad to see so few attending.
- God wonderfully provided for our two raised bed gardens. We planned it out and found someone on Facebook selling just what we were looking for much cheaper!
- Thankful for our nearby grandkids who helped us move the 2 cubic yards of soil from the front driveway to the backyard garden boxes.
- Paul is thrilled to discover plant after plant on this property. Do we have 15 blooming Azaleas? Three tall blueberry bushes were one find!
- Pray for a website builder and editor who can help Pastor J in India.