Written by Paul J Bucknell on February, 03, 2020
Prayer Letter #338
Braving the Frontier!
Dear Prayer Partners,
Sometimes, it’s hard to pray for things. After returning from the Chinese Mission Conference, I was praying over how to involve BFF in reaching the final frontiers—the yet unreached people of the world.
BFF has already been involved in two ways: with the BFF websites and training of international pastors and Christian leaders. I rarely go to the very edges of the frontier—usually because of physical difficulties and visa issues, but I train those who do. We also provide free Christian training resources in their language to revitalize their ministries.
But the Spirit was prodding me to take two more steps.
One was to make suggestions for integrating top training resources for those visiting the mission frontiers. When I originally thought of helping with overseeing Christian training resources, I had written very little. But now, I can see that with my training resources, including books, seminars, thousands of articles, and their overlapping areas, God is pointing me to get more involved. Maybe this will happen as He opens doors with other organizations.
Second, I was to pray that the BFF resources would reach some of these areas needing the Gospel. That was hard for me to pray—little faith. But as I persisted, I have already seen one way that God opened the door. A pastor wrote telling me he was using our parenting resources in China but that he was going to Muslim countries west of China to offer that same training. But the locals asked him to do it in English so that they could translate it to the local languages. He just now wrote to me asking for our English parenting resources, which I was glad to share with him.
Please keep praying with us! Two small further steps on a big, impossible journey!

- I am so thankful that during our travels, our van started making terrible noises just before reaching my daughter’s. God enabled me to attend a meeting and get my car fixed before traveling further. So timely!
- Linda’s tooth cracked while traveling. Praise God, we could stop by a dentist friend and get it fixed. Again, very timely!
- The car is back in action!
- Lots of time to focus on writing and editing. Eight articles posted this year.
- Praise God, our support zipped up to 90% by the end of the year. Thank you!
Please pray for:
- Pray for our conference coordinators. Pastor J. was involved in a horrible accident where the vehicle, due to a drunken truck driver, hit and flipped over the median strip and road. The three crawled out alive. Some injury, but full report not yet in.
- Pray for the planning and blessing of three upcoming seminars: March, April, and May (Philippines). Pray with us that the Wuhan virus stays relatively contained.
- Please keep praying for wisdom as I am officially involved in five mentoring five Christian leaders and regularly interacting with others.
- Daily wisdom as I write and edit.