Written by Paul J Bucknell on January, 16, 2021
Prayer Letter #350
The Celebration Continues!
January 15, 2021
Dear Prayer Partners,
Good news! The Christian Leadership Renewal Center (CLRC) has accepted my business plan, making me the new Executive Director. We will continue living here and welcome Christian leaders and guests, offering them access to the beautiful site, facilities, and BFF’s resources and training.
We are not retiring! This position is a perfect fit with BFF to advance the development of resources and training opportunities. The Center has a well-equipped classroom with desks for forty people. (We close the blinds to reduce distracting students with the lovely lake view.)
This first year is a “trial” period. Our challenge this year will be to bring the center’s operations up to speed. There are three houses, two of which provide living accommodations. We hope after two years that we will be fully running. There is no debt on the buildings but our CLRC account starts with zero. We hope to raise $50,000 to help us launch well, and be able to care for any immediate bills. Praise the Lord, $15,000 was already donated towards this. Please consider giving a one-time gift to BFF (designate CLRC in the note). We aim to be self-sustaining in two years.

- Thank the Lord for this new opportunity to serve Christian leaders, who often face pressures and difficulties, needing a get-a-way, quiet time with the Lord, etc.
- Paul’s online training went well for a church’s newly elected leaders, some stating that it was very helpful.
- BFF reached last year’s goal of 5 ½ million page views on our websites.
- We have enjoyed a getaway to Florida, visiting one son/family, Paul’s sister, and supporters. The first few days were warm enough for Paul to swim in the ocean!
- The third part of the mini-series: Teaching Bible Books is almost completed.
- Very thankful for the increase in giving at the very end of last year.
- Thankful that our BFF treasurer is now assisting with tax filings.
- Setting up a new CLRC account, satellite internet, and transferring utilities.
- Pray for the remaining need of $35,000.
- Paul is rethinking how to train, along with web and Zoom training.
- Pray for God’s rebirth, renewal, revival when people visit the website or Center.
- That the Lord would draw the right team together to help care for the site and help in its support.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President, Author, and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: pb@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+1) 412-398-4559 (Mobile/txt)
Paul & Linda’s permanent address: 205 Valley Oak Ct, Holly Springs, NC 27540
BFF’s office address: 645 Field Club Rd; Pittsburgh, PA 15238
CLRC’s address: 191 Lost Forest Rd, Bracey, VA 23919 (where we usually are)
At this point, we prefer to have our mail sent to our mailing address in NC below. Regular BFF donations by mail can be sent to the BFF office. Online donations work the same as before!