Written by Paul J Bucknell on December, 21, 2022
Prayer Letter #376
Christmas Glory
Dear Prayer Partners,
First, I want to thank you for your faithful prayers for BFF this year. I asked you to pray that my disabling fever would disappear (over a month ago). It did the next day! Thank you!
This is only one example of how God uses your prayers for the BFF ministry. I’m just a gear in the whole network. Our fundamental goal is to strengthen God’s people so that they can praise God and be glad that God is using them. The websites average 26,000 page views daily; may God continue to stir His people as He instructs and encourages them.

I’ll close this year with a brief meditation on Christmas. Christmas was not an end, but as Christ’s first coming, it predicted His second coming, where He will come in all His glory. Since the first Christmas, we have been living on a precipice, not quite knowing when Jesus will return. Let’s celebrate Christmas past with much joy and yet with a glorious anticipation of Jesus’ return. Our Christmas lights, sounds, love, joy, and celebrations of Christ’s humble birth point to more incredible and immense moments of Christ’s eternal glory.
- Praise God for full strength and health for Paul and Linda.
- Paul and Linda did make it north for Thanksgiving but had to cut the family/church visit short due to a bad sore throat. (He is now he is better.)
- Praise the Lord for faithfully caring for our needs over the years!
- BFF website page views increased by two million this year, reaching over 9 million in 2022! Praise the Lord!
- We had an excellent end-of-the-year BFF board meeting.
Merry Christmas!
- Pray for BFF as it encounters the many changes and challenges ahead.
- May God richly bless the many people reading the web articles each day.
- Paul seeks further wisdom as he completes a challenging book on church unity.
- Ask God that all our needed funding comes in.
- Paul has some larger projects in mind for 2023 and needs wisdom.
- Several oversea pastors are requesting seminars. Pray for God’s timing and funding. Many crises are at hand.