Written by Paul J Bucknell on May, 20, 2020
Prayer Letter #342
Dear Prayer Partners,
This response from our children has to be one of the biggest shocks Linda and I faced recently. Rebekah, our youngest, graduates from high school next month and will be moving on. We were chatting around the table with Isaac and Rebekah about plans for our “Emancipation from Homeschooling Day.” One of our ways to mark the passage of 30+ years of homeschooling would be to take down the two maps (one world map, one US map) occupying the wall space in our dining room. After all, that room doubled as a schoolroom for many years. But both of them emphatically said, “No!” to our idea. Interesting, especially after many parents have been “forced” into homeschooling their children during the spread of the virus. Maybe, more parents will join the challenge!
I keep thinking that my years of writing are finished, but then one, then another topic comes to my mind. I am grateful to God for feeding me an abundance of thoughts since the inception of this ministry in 2000. The newest series, Peering at God’s Revelation, connects the way God has revealed His truth to us. I believe I am more than halfway through this video series. In my youth, I can still remember the terror and fear that gripped me when trying to come up with something to write about. Wow, God has greatly aided me.

- Thankful for God’s leading to start another series, Peering at God’s Revelation. (First video available at bffbible.org)
- The Spanish translation of Building a Great Marriage is now available! (Contact me for a free soft-copy.)
- Our children have their full-time jobs back.
- Thankful that God has sent extra gifts to the ministry during these trying days.
- Thank the Lord for Ravi Zacharias, who the Lord faithfully used during his life.
- Linda and I are celebrating 42 years of a wonderful marriage today (May 20, 1978). (Just hard to celebrate during this virus shutdown!)
- Speaking this Friday (on Zoom) in Chinese, expounding on God’s Word, and introducing the BFF ministry. Pray for a good connection.
- Traveling to Raleigh 5/21 and staying for the week.
- We will bring three grandchildren back with us for a week.
- Please pray as I speak to an empty church on Sunday (virtual sermon on James 4:13-17 in Raleigh, NC).
- Pray for Pastor Jacob (in Cameroon), teaching Overcoming Anxiety to his congregation, and also using the teaching in his daily radio program.
- Pastor Jagannath, in India, writes about their present danger from the horrible hurricane (cyclone) towards Kolkatta. Pray for safety, protection, and provision.
- Paul is reluctantly back up on the 20-30 foot ladder to paint and repair. Pray for safety. Done painting the back porch!