Written by Paul J Bucknell on May, 11, 2022
Prayer Letter #368
Frontline News
Dear Prayer Partners,
Societal changes continue to whirl around us. When God first called me to the BFF ministry, who could foresee today’s world. (I couldn’t!) Fortunately, self-publishing gives me the freedom to offer BFF Christian training resources around the world at no cost. Here are a few examples.
- One pastor in war-torn Ethiopia got our digital libraries—not only English but also Amharic resources.
- I could converse through What’s App with a pastor in Kenya, who was surprised I had visited his area and had many resources in the local language. He said, “I have seen The Heart of Discipleship. This so touching.” I often taught on Isaiah 50:4-9 to describe discipleship through Christ’s example.
- One of my key contact pastors in southern Malawi recently went to be with the Lord, but another pastor connected to him asked for our resources. I could give him free instant access to all of BFF English resources plus Malawi resources.
- Pastor in the Philippines: “I enjoy so much READING, viewing the video and learning this method here in the internet café (Titus inductive Bible studies).”

Do pray/support our BFF Love Fund (100% goes to help meet these pastors facing desperate situations). As I mentioned last month, many pastors are facing very difficult times. Several overseas pastors have contacted me since I last wrote!
- Our chief Ugandan pastor, also running an orphanage, shared that they were facing eviction for not paying rent. The lockdowns, not co*vid, crippled his side business.
- Two pastors, that I have worked with in Burma, struggle to help more orphaned children. People are bringing more orphans to them needing care. One supports 20 orphans and seeks financial help to finish the second floor dorm to accommodate more parentless children due to the civil war (15,000 families hide in forests). (Here is an older video!)
- The other pastor in Burma just wrote,
Due to war and political conflict, many villages were burned, many lost families, run to forest, many children also became hopeless, no place to go. One of state called Kayan state most suffering state, 60% Christian. But most are roman catholic. We have one small house church there. There are thousands of children are hungry and no place to live. They request to me to help them, but I told them its very difficult time for our church and ministry. But they said please accept some children who lost their parents. As Pastor, I dare not rejected their request and I told them to bring only 3 children. They arrived yesterday; there are 13 children. When I saw them face to face, my tears came down, the Lord spoke me in my heart, do not worry, I will provide what you needs. Right now, they needs, food, cloths, beds and medical care. We can’t communicate with them as they do not speak Burmese. I have not many friends who will pray for these orphanage children.

- Praise the Lord, that my translator and I could finish up the Mandarin Chinese translation of Building a Great Marriage. I will also put a link to that in next month’s letter. (Still finishing up the graphics on the simplified Chinese version.)
- I completed one new book, the Making of a Godly Man, now being professionally edited. I hope to put a link to it in next month’s letter. (I’ll tell more about it then.)
- Praise God for help in recent preaching opportunities.
- Praise the Lord that we had an opportunity to visit Pittsburgh this past weekend, with our youngest daughter, Rebekah, who attended a wedding; I preached at OIF; Linda and I attended a commissioning service; we celebrated our son Isaac’s 23rd birthday with our family; got to spend time with the grandkids; and meet and greet many friends. It’s great to see the new pastor at our former congregation working well and hard at the ministry there.
- Pray for the above “Love” needs. I haven’t mentioned all of them. Pray for wisdom on how to help them, if possible. Right now, our Love Fund is below zero.
- Pray for ongoing blessing on BFF training resources as they daily stream to the world, such as above mentioned. Remember they are not just getting one resource but 7 English digital libraries and usually some resources in their own language.
- Wisdom on how to finish up a new book before moving on to a big project.
- Pray for blessing on the May 21st Philippine graduation of 20+ pastor students being training through BFF resources.