Written by Paul J Bucknell on September, 23, 2023
Prayer Letter #386
A Global Outreach
Dear Prayer Partners,
We had a great trip north meeting up with our siblings on both sides and many good friends. Our trip to Pittsburgh provided many opportunities to get reacquainted with supporting churches and opportunities for Paul to preach.
Paul’s newest published book has been his central focus. How will our Chief Shepherd care for His church during the upheavals we will face in these last times—including de-banking, censorship, natural disasters, financial collapse, nefarious AI advances, pandemics, persecution, etc.? The Church’s Mightiest Weapon Released presents an urgent call to train and safeguard the church and help her complete her Jesus-given commission.

Paul’s challenge is to seek every means to distribute this free. Read it, pass on a copy, and pray for the church's unity.
- Thankful for your prayers—the above book was completed and published!
- Our trip north was great! Paul’s messages were well received. Somehow, he could conduct the Zoom training class with the Indian pastors while traveling.
- The four articles on AI and the Christian church are now published on the website.
- Linda’s heart procedure is next Wednesday, September 27th. Pray for no infections.
- I’m encouraging Christians everywhere to send this link for the new book to other believers. Scan the QR code or click pdf (no cost).
- Paul’s Mom needed to move to another care facility. Thankfully, a place was found very quickly but pray for a peaceful transition for her.
- Christy, Elias, and family (4 children) are looking for a nearby rental home.
- Two Indian Zoom classes left.
- Paul will preach to the English congregation on October 22 at the Raleigh Chinese Christian Church.