Written by Paul J Bucknell on June, 16, 2022
Prayer Letter #369
Just When You Thought
Dear Prayer Partners,
Can the world get any worse? Just when you thought it was impossible, you and I hear of another diabolical departure from God’s creation and design. There appears to be a race to make substitutes (i.e., moneymaking schemes) for Mom’s milk, seeds (GMO), and work itself (6 days you should work). Satan denies everything God said was good so he fosters more genders; links man to a computer chip instead of God; incites violence to create chaos.
In contrast, BFF graphic-enhanced Biblical resources are spreading God’s truth around the world faster than ever. Confidence in God’s excellent ways is increasing. By God’s grace, we gladly present new books to offer (see the end of the letter for free books!). More pastors around the world use BFF digital libraries (free part of the Seed Project). I’ll refer to the two below.
From Cameroon, Africa (Pastor trains a pastor!)
“Yeah, Pastor B gave me the link on discipleship (1) discover love, (2) establish hope, (3) strengthen faith. Wonderful! 1 John 2:12-14 give us wonderful ways to measure and foster spiritual growth. The study material today was so wonderful! My ministry is first growing through your links.”

From India
“The Lord called and enabled us to do His Ministry to unreached community here in India, which is very near to us. These are Garbage Dump Collecting community people in the garbage dump.” He has two churches, numbering 25 and 35. “Yes, my brother we are very much interested to learn more truth. Please give the opportunity to work with you this way in India.”
New Book Announcements
God used Easter time to richly bless me as I finished writing The Making of a Godly Leader. This book is an expositional study of Isaiah 53, the fourth Servant Song. the strong prophetic picture of Christ on the cross combined with Isaiah’s poetical emphasis brings a powerful challenge to the Christian leader.
Building a Great Marriage is now edited and published in Mandarin Chinese, simplified and traditional! (All three are free copies only this June, just click above.)

- Both versions, simplified and traditional character, of the Mandarin Chinese translation of Building a Great Marriage are now completed.
- The final editing of The Making of a Godly Leader is completed, and I’m starting to upload the digital and order paperbacks (It’s a process!)
- Thank the Lord for one Love offering, enabling us to send supplies to the two Burmese orphanages connected to pastors with whom I have worked. We focus on Christian Bible resources but occasionally help as our Love fund allows.
- We believe in the church. We have started attending membership classes in the church where our daughter Christy and family attend.
- We are thankful for our garden’s berries, flowers, and vegetables. The birds and squirrels love the blueberries too!
- We plan to visit our Moms, families, and friends in New England at the end of June. Pray for safe travels and a good time.
- Increased wisdom to complete a book on social justice properly—almost there. After that, Paul hopes to largely focus on the Life Project.
- Linda feels very tired at times. Pray she finds a new doctor.
- Pray for ongoing blessing for BFF training resources as they daily stream to the world, like those mentioned above. Remember, they are not just getting one resource but 7 English digital libraries and often Biblical resources in their languages.
- Two of our immediate neighbors sold their homes. Pray for God to open their hearts to the Gospel.