Written by Paul J Bucknell on March, 07, 2022
Prayer Letter #366
The LORD Carries Us!
Dear Prayer Partners,
What a whirlwind of events, but God has been faithful—as always! Sometimes, maybe always, our situation gets so overwhelming that our Shepherd needs to carry us!
“Be their shepherd also, and carry them forever.” (Psalm 27:9)
All that was changing has now changed! All the properties sold quickly. We are now moved to Holly Springs, NC, though still unpacking. We accumulated many things to manage the three retreat center buildings; our belongings multiplied. Paul had to take 2 loads—driving and unloading once and going back the same day (night) for another U-haul load. We praise the Lord for two young men who helped with the move all day, loading and unloading and loading again. Our grandchildren helped unload the last load—they became GRANDER.

Thank you for taking the time to pray for us, even when our world further tilts off its moral bearings. This “new” place is not so new. It’s familiar because it is near our daughter in Holly Springs. We spent extended time with them during her pregnancy/birth before moving to CLRC. In contrast to being 20-30 minutes from conveniences, we are now pleasantly smack dab in the middle of many stores.
- I am now finishing up a few articles/videos and already preparing to make a much greater effort toward the super project.
- Thank the Lord for quickly helping us find this nice rental!
- Continue to pray for us as we prayerfully seek our niche in God’s kingdom efforts here in the Raleigh area.
- I’ll be preaching at the Chinese church English service on March 27th.
- We hope to start a garden soon.
- Very, very thankful for 100% better internet service! (It’s like adding an assistant!)