BFF Prayer Letter

Written by Paul J Bucknell on August, 03, 2024
Prayer Letter #396

My Race, Your Race

“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win” (1 Cor 9:24).

Dear Prayer Partners,

1 Corinthians 9:24 isn’t about competition with others but is about discovering and fulfilling the “good works” God has appointed each of us to do (Eph 2:10). Since my 1997 sabbatical and the project I chose to research and write on, “Training Schools in Revival Times,” I have had a slowly increasing burden to train Christian leaders. Another insight into God’s specific purpose for my life happened recently when kicking off a new YouTube channel to distribute BFF classes and other training videos. I have already added over 40 videos to my channel:

I sometimes ask the Lord, “What does He want to do through this BFF ministry?” After all, He began it. Education is changing, including ministry training. Technological developments have been astonishing, partially seen in the rising importance of video training. I’m far ahead of most because I have already developed many Biblically-based courses and videos. When revivals occur, many worldwide will seek ministry training. Amazingly, YouTube can already provide instant translation through closed captions. (And yes, I’m aware they might censor me.)

I appreciate your prayers as I finish my life course, desiring to finish well to please the Lord. Besides several book projects, I have a few crowning projects related to training curriculums. These projects, already broadly sketched out, involve new resources and interrelate with all our resources. All focus on BFF’s vision: Releasing God’s Truth to a New Generation! This leaves me with the challenge of being more purposeful in developing and distributing teaching videos with what I have written.


  • Thank the Lord for grace in preaching several sermons on Ecclesiastes at the Raleigh Chinese Church (in English).
  • I underestimated how much new tech stuff I had to learn to get my new class going on YouTube. But thanks to Isaac, my son, I got there.
  • Paul appreciates the extra focus required to make a new weekly video class.
  • We are visiting friends and relatives in New England.


  • Paul’s weekly YouTube class on unity continues but can be viewed anytime. This works great for those overseas or other times. (Do share our link with others.)
  • Pray for me as I focus and complete the second Book on Quality Times with God.
  • Linda’s foot is a bit better but her knee went wonky. Pray that we can go for our evening walks together!
  • Pray for peace in our country and world.

Pastor Paul J. Bucknell, President, Author, and Instructor

Prayer Letter Archives
Biblical Foundations for Freedom

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