Written by Paul J Bucknell on June, 16, 2020
Prayer Letter #343
On a Journey
Dear Prayer Partners,
Wow, what changes! Every few years, as missionaries, we moved house before we finally settled in our present home here in Pittsburgh, PA. We have been here for almost 30 years! But now, with the last of the eight children soon out on their own, we are taking steps to downsize from this place where many fond memories were made. I remember when our youngest was born in our family room. So many memories! Rebekah, now, has not only graduated from high school but is moving to Raleigh. Is it time for us to move? We think so—though it is tough. Others have confirmed the importance of making this move while we still can.
Do pray for us. So many decisions to make, some big, and some small, but each touches our lives. We have so many great books that have helped us along the way, but no one to take them (even though free).
Our real hope is set on being with the Lord. Paul says, “We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen” (2 Cor. 4:18). The beauty of this hope radiates against the world’s fears, fires, and foolishness.
This is not retirement, though! We sense God is repositioning us to serve His kingdom purposes more effectively. The BFF ministry, by His grace, continues on. Please pray as we follow in Abraham’s path to where God directs.

- Thankful for God’s grace with preaching and writing.
- Rebekah graduated from high school with straight A’s (PA Cyber virtual school).
- Praise the Lord for safety as Paul works around fixing the house.
- Thank the Lord that our two daughters and their babies (one born and one in the womb) were not hurt when they hit a deer coming north to visit us.
- The weeks with the grandchildren here worked out wonderfully.
- I am thankful for special times with the Lord each morning.
- Paul continues to seek a contractor (over 6 months trying to get our roof fixed). He has decided to do some jobs himself if he can’t find a contractor soon. (Two new contacts since yesterday.)
- We will help move Rebekah to Raleigh on the weekend of July 4th. (For us, it is an emotional time.)
- Please pray as I speak at a church (RCCC) on unity in Raleigh on July 5.
- Pray for guidance and wisdom as we look to transition the leadership retreat center (Paul is on the board) by this summer. Pastor Ko was to lead but now has cancer. We have an important board meeting while in Raleigh.
- When Joshua, my grandson, scanned two full drawers of files, I discovered three other books to add to my not-yet-completed list —though mostly written. Pray for a good sense of priority in daily writing.