Written by Paul J Bucknell on September, 09, 2020
Prayer Letter #345
On the Move!
One of our prayer partners wrote, “Wondering…wondering,” about whether or not we sold our house. So much has happened! Let me mention three.
1) We got an offer on our house within a week. Just a few days ago, most everything for the sale was finalized. Our title insurance just cleared up a possible lien. Praying for a smooth closing on Sept 18th! We hope to return to CLRC after that.
2) It started with a midnight call, telling us that Christy was headed for the hospital in possible labor! So we rushed to pack the van and zoomed to Raleigh, NC. False labor. But we stayed to help, and baby Isaiah arrived safely on August 26th. Linda felt right at home, helping out. I could continue writing and follow up on the details on selling the house from afar.

3) Linda and I started living at CLRC (Christian Leadership Retreat Center). Our first visitors were astonished to see how large the beautiful center is, and nicely situated on Lake Gaston. It even has a library (where Paul writes) and a 40-50 person classroom. Two other buildings can house overnight guests or be used for retreats. We hope you can visit! While only planning to be there until the end of the year, Paul was asked to write a ministry/business plan to make it self-sustaining. It’s possible, if accepted, we could stay longer. We are seeking God’s will.
For those who donate, please notice our new BFF office location below! Check donations can be safely sent there, otherwise use the online link.

- Praise the Lord for His gracious hand on us these past months.
- Praise the Lord for a healthy birth. The Lord helped us to be of help to Elias and Christy (now 4 children).
- Paul could teach his grandkids the basics of playing tennis.
- We are thankful that though some have given less during these times, others have given more. Praise God!
- Paul wrote/published several articles and edited a coming book.
- Pray that the completion of the house sale on Sept 18th goes well.
- Pray as Paul prepares a ministry/business plan for CLRC.
- Please pray as I speak in Chinese 1-2 times on the Holy Spirit at a church (RCCC) in Raleigh starting Oct 9.
- Paul and Linda will lead a Chinese seminary couple in premarital counseling.
- Pray for guidance for CLRC as Pastor Ko’s cancer has worsened, but he is hopeful. We have an important board meeting in Oct or Nov to direct our future.
- Linda is reluctant to drive the second car the long distance to move it to the Raleigh area. Pray for safety.