Written by Paul J Bucknell on May, 05, 2021
Prayer Letter #353
Dear Prayer Partners,
The word ‘open’ conjures up many different ideas.
Open means that the website pages are always ready to be seen and used (over 8,000 pages viewed each day). The Center’s doors are open to welcome guests. We have an Open House on May 22, 1-5 pm. If you are nearby, do drop in!
Open signifies we are responsive to God’s mighty work in our lives and hearts. David knew that spiritual battles always go deeper than the outward appearance of things.
“And that all this assembly may know that the Lord does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.” (1 Samuel 17:47)
Open speaks to how Linda and I, separately and together, daily seek open hearts to God’s purposes in our lives so that we can be ready for whatever adventure God takes us on.
Open implies a resilient trust in the Lord that stands against today’s fears, worries, and troubles. Following God’s leadership will get us through the world’s quagmire. This year is a proving year for us to watch what God has planned.
Open means an implicit trust in God’s Word to speak into people’s hearts and vibrantly shine in His people’s lives. We will start with a monthly seminar for Christian leaders, though we are open to what God provides (see the list here.)

- Thank the Lord for new website articles each week! Most have study questions. Here are some recent ones.
Living In and Out of the Bubble (Psalm 49)
Antichrist in the Bible: What does the Bible say about the Antichrist?
The Stolen Sweets: Examining the Entitlement Mindset

- Linda has some relief for her hip, which has enabled her to continue prepping for the Open House and beyond.
- We have been able to plant a small garden.
- Linda made wooden name signs for each building—first time wood-crafting for her! (still needs a coat or two of polyurethane)
- Our 2021 seminar/workshop schedule is ready for people to sign up.
- Pray that our Open House (May 22, 1-5p.m.) and all the invitations sent out would let the many churches know of our presence.
- Linda’s hip is sometimes better, but keep praying!
- Paul grieves over the 40 pastors in two Indian cities dying due to Covid. He ministered to them in the past. Pray for their families and churches.
- May God bring rebirth, renewal, and revival!
- Pray for the Chinese translator of our book Building a Great Marriage; he’s 2/3 of the way through!
- Pray that we would daily go before God to be guided, strengthened, shielded so that God’s blessings go out to others.
- Pray for us as we step out on the battlefield of truth.
Let CLRC host your small group, youth group, leadership meeting, personal retreat, or join one of our newly-planned seminars.
Address: Paul & Linda’s address: 191 Lost Forest Rd, Bracey, VA 23919