Written by Paul J Bucknell on February, 27, 2021
Prayer Letter #351
Plans and Preparations
Dear Prayer Partners,
Training is BFF’s heartbeat: on the web, through books, or in-person instruction. The Christian Leadership Renewal Center (CLRC) provides a beautiful setting to renew Christian leaders and give much-needed advice and instruction.
Recently, Linda and I have been busy doing the foundational work. Others do not typically see these things: unpacking, setting up accounts, transferring utilities, praying, planning, and as always—writing. Progress, however, is being made! We have now officially emptied and swept clean the rented storage unit—we have finally moved! (into CLRC’s main building).

We would be overwhelmed by things to do if it were not for trust in God’s grace. Linda and I marvel at God’s watch over us during the last two ice storms, losing only one conveniently-fallen 25 foot Cedar tree. While those around us lost electricity for 2-4 days, we only lost power for one hour. And though my shoulder still hurt due to sweeping fall leaves, it became primarily healed over the last two weeks.
We notice God working in numerous ways. I wrote an article on “I love books!” recording how the Lord enabled me to keep my many books miraculously. My grandson, Joshua, helped Paul gather them into the library here: adjusting many shelves and moving things around (which I couldn’t do with my then painful shoulder).
Linda has other chief concerns, such as rightly preparing the three buildings here for our future guests. Our daughter Christy came and helped re-arrange things in the kitchen and provided ideas and suggestions for upcoming retreats—personal, couple, family retreats, training seminars, etc.
The clrcrenewal.org website is still being updated, but the information is slowly being added to schedule a visit or retreat. Our permanent address is now located at the center! Sorry for the confusion during the recent months.
Let CLRC host your small group, youth group, leadership meeting, or join one of our soon-planned seminars.
- Thanks to the Lord for two Chinese translators for the CLRC website.
- Thank the Lord for our marriage book, now being translated into Chinese.
- Paul gives many thanks to the Lord for his healed shoulder (96%)!
- Praise the Lord, we have about 50% toward the initial financial deposit to set up BFF at CLRC.
- Praise God that out on the deck overlooking the Gaston Lake, we can hear waves lapping the shore, watch birds flying above and wonder what spring will bring.
- Our electricity went out for one hour when many homes nearby lost it for days.
- We have finally settled at the retreat center—our new home (and address). We emptied out our nearby storage unit.
- Start praying for God to bring Christian leaders to the center for renewal. Our spring comes earlier here than in the North.
- Pray for wisdom as we make final rearrangements for the two dorm houses (6 and 5 bedrooms). We’re looking for desks for some of the bedrooms.
- May God bless our many mentoring opportunities.
- How sad that the satellite option, though installed, is worse! Someone suggested to Paul that he not do the Zoom class on Christian living because of the poor network. After signing the contract, the man admitted that all of North America uses one satellite, with many new people doing work and studying from home.
- May God continue to bless Paul’s writing efforts and readers around the globe.