Written by Paul J Bucknell on October, 01, 2021
Prayer Letter #358
PrayBFF: The Lord’s Faithfulness
We have happily returned from Linda’s two-week follow-up appointment from the emergency appendectomy! As you may recall, after she went into the ER exam room, the pain increased from dull to extreme. She had Laparoscopic surgery that night and returned home the next afternoon. Thanks for your prayers! Healing has been pain-free and smooth. We postponed the Chinese Seminar until after Easter 2022 due to Covid.
Meanwhile, we are getting ready for our November 4-6 seminar, Reaching Beyond Mediocrity — Faith’s Triumph Over Temptation. This workshop aims to strengthen believer’s faith, leaders and congregants alike, to live strong Christian lives. Due to time limitations, it will focus on overcoming anger, discouragement, and depression.
Paul is grateful for posting numerous articles on the web and cooler weather to get some outdoor projects done.

International Ministry
One brother from India wrote today seeking Telugu Christian resources. It’s nice we could immediately send him web links for Telugu resources and connect him to our Hindi Genesis lectures and slides. A pastor from Myanmar (Burma) told me he was surprised to see our marriage book, Building a Great Marriage, in this secular bookstore. Can you find it below?

- Thank the Lord for Linda’s smooth recovery and removal today of her four staples.
- Thankful we were able to visit Allison on her birthday yesterday! (along with her family: Aron, James, and our Rebekah)
- Sermons and writing in September went very well.
- We are thankful the $65,000 needed has come in for Manny, the 13-year-old Christian pastor’s son, who still waits for a heart transplant. Update.
- For over a year, we have been trying to get a new well drilled! We are hoping the person we have been pinning our hopes on will do it this coming week. If not, we will be forced to find another company, but the delay will likely be 4-5 months.
- We will be organizing some pastor/prayer breakfasts to introduce them to our services here and get to know them better and their needs.
- Does anyone have a cat hair free sofa to donate? We have been looking for months now for one for our Cedar dorm.
- Pray for Paul as he prepares to teach Reaching Beyond Mediocrity, Nov 4-6. May God stir people to come and be blessed. Video
- Pray for Rebirth, Renewal, and Revival!
Let CLRC host your small group, youth group, church retreat, personal/family get-away, or join one of our upcoming CLRC seminars.