Written by Paul J Bucknell on April, 01, 2021
Prayer Letter #352
Seeking True Freedom
(Please note our new address: 191 Lost Forest Rd, Bracey, VA 23919)
Dear Prayer Partners,
Thank you so much for your many prayers over these many years! I sense that God wants us to take note, as He told Moses upon reaching the Promised Land, of how He fulfilled all His promises (Dt 26:8-11). The Lord also wants us to assess what He has given us and take another step forward. We are overwhelmed by the vast resources on the two websites (Use the search button and take a look!) and desire to help people on a more personal level.
Biblical Foundations for Freedom’s belief is that God’s truth brings real freedom His people (John 8:31-32). The more God’s truth saturates our hearts and minds, the greater our freedom becomes. (Our society is sadly proving the opposite: the further we stray from God’s truths, the more the evils of the world invade our lives.)
We believe God is taking us further by blending CLRC and BFF’s resources to bring God’s truth one more level down into people’s lives. We have the truth, but people face difficulties in implementing it. For example, you might have studied the principles of a great marriage but still face marriage struggles.
I sense God wants to develop the resources to help people better implement these truths into their lives. Please pray for people to find true freedom in Christ.
Let CLRC host your small group, youth group, leadership meeting, or join one of our soon-planned seminars.

- Praise the Lord, step by step, we have reached as far as we have in settling plans for CLRC’s spring opening (now happening). Call us for a visit!
- Thank the Lord for some response in giving towards BFF’s funding at CLRC.
- Paul is deeply thankful that his shoulder is better and can work in the woods (a delightful challenging workout for him).
- The Chinese leadership retreat on unity is set (Sep 30-Oct 2).
- Thank the Lord for recent preaching opportunities for Paul, especially for extra grace for the Chinese message.
- Pray that God would bring Christian leaders to this center and refresh their souls, minds, and bodies.
- Linda’s hip has been bothering her, sometimes worse, sometimes better. We are praying for strength and healing to serve God and others that come here.
- Paul is finishing up a schedule for a few BFF seminars here at CLRC (e.g., marriage, discipleship training, etc.). Covid hasn’t made this easy!
- I took down the unhelpful web satellite dish and now await Starlink for a more innovative web service (much closer to earth) - coming later in the year, hopefully, earlier.
- May God bring rebirth, renewal, and revival!