Written by Paul J Bucknell on May, 13, 2023
Prayer Letter #381
Springtime Challenges and Opportunities
Dear Prayer Partners,
Spring is beautiful here, with the daylilies and roses in full bloom. This year, we covered the blueberries with a net to shield them from the birds. We had a great visit with past church members, originally from Singapore but now living in Australia.
Thanks for all your concerns and prayers for Linda. She has been feeling good; needs to get in extra naps. In the next month, starting Monday, she will be going for several non-intrusive tests to evaluate the results from the ablation and prayers. We are seeking the Lord that she will not need a permanent defibrillator or ongoing heart medicine.
We are always thankful to hear reports of discipleship training programs that use BFF resources. Pastor Lito, in the Philippines, has a graduation in June.
Pastor Richard, in Myanmar, just completed a 3-month training program. We are thankful to our translator for getting BFF books printed and delivered (we mentioned this earlier.)

Paul has completed writing his main book, but struggles with improving its flow. He hopes to finish the second out of three sections soon. He has also picked up 2 Peter 1:1-9 and started working on videos and web pages for a sermon he preached in 1997, Pursuing His Excellence. Paul is still trying to work out details for a monthly pastors training in India via Zoom.
- Linda feels well (before and after the ablation).
- The “Abiding in the Vine” book is in the last stage before publishing.
- Praise for encouraging visits.
- Thankful that we could print the Burmese books and get some to the training school up in northern Myanmar.
- Pray for the healing of Linda’s heart and that she need not have a permanent defibrillator or ongoing heart medicine.
- Keep praying for progress on the church unity book.
- Pray for the effectiveness of these pastors/evangelists completing their programs.
- Paul is trying to finish up details with possible India pastors’ Zoom classes.
- Pray for funding for BFF STM (now below zero). We use this to help encourage these pastor programs listed above, even though I cannot travel there.