Written by Paul J Bucknell on November, 03, 2022
Prayer Letter #374
Step By Step: Pray BFF #374
Dear Prayer Partners,
Many times in the last weeks, I have been overwhelmed by the Lord’s work through BFF. It’s a privilege to offer the use of BFF’s books and entire resources to two Bible colleges, one in Nigeria and another in the Philippines.
But how can we ever offer such a plethora of Biblically-sound resources? Step by step. Sometimes one step seems much more complicated than another, but in the end, it’s just following the Lord daily.
Some projects, like the new A Biblical Perspective of Social Justice Issues, require much diligence, but I give glory to God for leading me each step.
Click to see video introduction.
We give glory to God for orchestrating this BFF work. We pray daily that He will use the resources around the world to build up His workers so that they, in turn, might more effectively serve others and give glory to God.

- We had a great time with our grandkids while their parents were at a marriage conference.
- Praise the Lord we now are stocked up on paperback copies of A Biblical Perspective of Social Justice Issues: A Christian View of Reparations
- BFF’s newer website has been down numerous times during these last two months (unrelated) but is still on track to distribute to a higher annual target than ever!
- We recently hosted a young Chinese pastor and a new believer (Taiwan scholar) at our home.
- The first book of a new series: “Quality Time with God” is in the final editing process.
- Linda’s checkup was fine; she even joined Paul on his one-mile walk.
- Paul had a great time at a pastors’ conference on ethics held nearby.
- Please pray that God would continue to use BFF resources to build up His people worldwide.
- More and more distressing stories come from pastors in less-developed countries due to rising fuel and food prices. “Children went to School with little food today.”
- Paul needs constant guidance for these large writing projects.
- Paul has been largely down with ear infections this past week. Pray for a full recovery. It’s funny that it started just after he published his “Enjoying My Vulnerabilities”!
- Hoping to visit Pittsburgh during Thanksgiving week.
- Pray for peace in this world. Most leaders talk as if they want war—unbelievable. Our time dramatically differs from the sixties’ peace rallies! Jesus is so different!
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I (Jesus) came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).