Written by Paul J Bucknell on December, 10, 2021
Prayer Letter #361
The Great Drama
Dear Prayer Partners,
Over this last year and a half, we have been waiting, sometimes patiently sometimes not. We try to focus on what God has undeniably given us—so many blessings. At other times, we escape the tension of waiting by remembering the riches that await us through the gates of splendor.
Little by little, new facts and figures come into play, causing us to think and rethink about the future. This makes us feel more like spectators rather than players. For example, when we heard that the Center might be sold, we began to adjust our expectations. Then, out of the blue, we received a couple of promises to donate to help purchase this place. So, sitting on the sidelines, we watch and wonder what God is doing. But then, though the amounts promised are sizable, they are insufficient.

Do pray for us as we wait on the Lord. He alone knows the future and the work He desires to do through our lives. My key verse for this part of the journey is, “The Lord will accomplish what concerns me” (Psalm 138:8). We have had memories popup that encourages us from past situations, like when He founded BFF back in 2000. We appreciate your prayers as God leads us along.

- The CLRC board had another good informal, productive discussion.
- We had a grand Thanksgiving time with all our children and their families, except one (Which one?).
- Thank the Lord He uses His Word daily to ‘massage’ our hearts and minds.
- Praise the Lord for special surprises along the way!
- An ever-growing trust in our Lord’s sovereign control over our lives.
- Pray for us as we look to the Lord for our next steps. (This does not mean any changes for BFF ministry.)
- The rescheduled Dec13th-CLRC board meeting to finalize decisions.
- BFF’s board meeting is also on Dec 13th, in the evening.
- We’ve had difficulty getting a replacement well (no, it doesn’t mean we are out of water). But now, everyone has run out of key parts!
- Pray for Rebirth, Repentance, Renewal, and Revival!