Written by Paul J Bucknell on February, 04, 2022
Prayer Letter #363
Where Does the Path Lead?
Dear Prayer Partners,
Wow! I can’t believe we skipped the January prayer letter. I suppose that is because nothing much has changed. BFF did put another offer in but did not accept it with the escalation of real estate prices on this prized Lake Gaston lodge. So, where does that leave us?
The newer Pine house has been sold. Someone interested in the other two houses and property, including the one we live in, is coming today.
Linda and I read the same ‘Through the Year’ Bible plan. We both feel like our situation resembles when the Lord told the Israelites to get cornered—before the Red Sea crossing (Exodus 14:1-3). Fortunately, we don’t have any enemies chasing us, but we are cornered, wondering how to proceed. Why did the Lord lead us this way?
To be truthful, this has been a wonderfully productive year for BFF and enriching for our lives. How refreshing to wake up to lovely sunrises on the lake. Besides, the Lord has stimulated some new life-changing Christian training resources.
He also has brought thoughts of involving us to start a Christian Think-Tank. My advantage is that the Lord has given insights into many different areas of Christian development through my 25+ books and web articles. Spiritual development is the most prominent theme (think sanctification, if you will). (Check out these two recent messages from Philippians (1:6 Eng | Cht || 2:11-12 Eng | Cht).

We have dreams but no pathway yet. Do we need a center? It looks convenient, but time will tell. The world becomes increasingly virtual, but this world lacks the necessary personal intimacy for fine training. The Lord has been working over our hearts these last two years, spiritually massaging our desires, emotions, hopes, dreams, etc. So we slowly move ahead, wondering where to store our limited furniture and where we might live.
“In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight” (Prov 3:6).
Thanks for being with us through this extended time of transition! And thanks be to Jesus who promised to be with us as we serve Him (Mat 28:20)!!
We just returned from a nice trip to Florida to visit supporters and family, though some plans were interrupted. It took our minds off the future for a bit!
The preaching in English and Chinese went well.
Thank the Lord for BFF’s investors, both money and prayers. We count you as our team.
We are thankful for excellent health, despite many getting sick around us.
We are ready for the future—we think.
Praise God for the inspiration we received while here. (We also gained experience running a retreat center but was it necessary?)
Patience as we wait for the Lord’s guidance.
Good transition as the other houses are sold. CLRC will donate the monies to other 501(c)3 organizations involved in similar leadership training ministries.
A place to live.
A church(es) to work with.
Continual growth in BFF’s resources.