Written by Paul J Bucknell on February, 10, 2023
1 Peter’s Teaching Lessons
Christians can live vibrant Christ-filled lives in this dark and oppressive world by using God’s grace to conduct our lives—even as Jesus did.
Think right! Live right! Believe right!
Introduction (1 Peter 1:1-2)
Even when circumstances get tough, we can share in Christ's joy and imperishable kingdom inheritance by closely imitating our now-risen Lord Jesus Christ and embracing His full measure of grace and peace in our lives.
1. Opening and Introduction (1 Peter 1:1-2)
Purpose: Peter brings comfort and encouragement to believers scattered about due to oppressive situations, enabling them to live strong and godly lives in this complex and antagonistic world.
A) A Precious Calling (1 Peter 1:3-2:10)
Peter reveals a deep and glorious community to which God’s people belong, which started before time, established by Christ’s death, and by His resurrection endures forever.
2. The Riches of Salvation (1 Peter 1:3-12)
Purpose: Christian believers learn how amazing teachings about their faith in Christ help them find God’s abounding grace for whatever situations their Lord appoints for them in this life.
3. Called to Purity (1 Peter 1:13-21)
Purpose: Believers are called to resolute preparation to live out ‘holy’ lives. With God’s character as the standard to follow, Peter focuses our faith and hope on the gracious sacrifice that alone eternally redeems repentant sinners.
4. New Life (1 Peter 1:22-2:3)
Purpose: Peter calls believers to love one another out of their new nature gained by being born again. He also calls and encourages us to deeply desire the Word of God.
5. The Chosen People of God (1 Peter 2:4-10)
Purpose: Peter conveys the profound importance of believers being set apart from unbelievers. The meaning and purpose of being a chosen priest are laid out in vivid images.
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B) A Holy Lifestyle (1 Peter 2:11-3:12)
Much of our battle involves identifying our positions in life and properly conducting them according to Christ to the glory of God, whether in marriage, at work, among our neighbors, or fellowshipping with God’s people.
6. Respect for All (1 Peter 2:11-25)
Purpose: Peter reminds us that believers are alien to this world’s values. Still, we must follow Christ’s steps; living respectfully submissive to human authority, doing what is good, and entrusting ourselves to God, who judges justly.
7. Marital Submission & Respect (1 Peter 3:1-6, 7)
Purpose: Peter captures believers’ hearts and minds by carefully presenting the glorious call of their godly roles in marriage and the extraordinary grace to live out great marriages.
8. Blessing on Godly Behavior (1 Peter 3:8-12)
Purpose: God’s blessings are spread to others through the lives of Christians when they understand the implications of godly living and openly reject ungodly ways.
C) A Christlike Heart (1 Peter 3:13-5:11)
Obedience is essential, but in this section, we must have Christlike attitudes to properly carry out God’s Word bringing glory to His Name.
9. Suffering for Righteous Causes (1 Peter 3:13-22)
Purpose: Being set apart to Christ as Lord, Christians grow in knowing and doing what is right. Even though one must endure slander or suffering, they live with a clear conscience rather than in fear, receiving God’s priceless blessing.
10. The Time to Live for God (1 Peter 4:1-6)
Purpose: Now is the time to imitate Christ and live for God’s purposes. Humanity should be aware that God will hold all people accountable.
11. Fervent in Love (1 Peter 4:7-11)
Purpose: Believers have a limited period to carry out God’s appointed good works for them and must purposely use their spiritual gifts to accomplish God’s greater purposes through their lives.
12. The Right Way to Suffer (1 Peter 4:12-19)
Purpose: Believers will face trials of faith. As God’s Spirit rests upon them, they learn to rejoice during the things these sufferings on His behalf while at the same time persisting in doing good.
13. Godly Leadership in the Church (1 Peter 5:1-4)
Purpose: Church leaders should know the importance of caring for God’s flock. A leader’s life should be exemplary, characterized by a willingness to serve, the absence of greed, and the rejection of abusive power (manipulation).
14. Humble and Alert (1 Peter 5:5-11)
Purpose: Peter provides invaluable advice to those who struggle with difficult situations and harassing temptations during their short time on earth.
Conclusion (1 Peter 5:12-14)
Returning to the beginning theme, Peter exhorts us to focus on our true identity and calling in Christ’s glorious kingdom.
15 Closing and Summary (1 Peter 5:12-14)
Purpose: Throughout his letter, Peter has sought to encourage the church to hold a strong, ‘holy’ Christian witness in a hostile world. He now ends by calling believers in Christ to “stand fast” in the grace and peace of God.
Seeking to Influence Your Future
• Seek God’s full blessing on others through your life by living holy and pleasing just as Jesus lived.
• What areas of obedience hold you back from being filled with God’s Spirit and blessing? Take one area and change.
• Did you ever think it is possible to be like Jesus? God wants us to be filled with His wisdom and courage, have a heart of obedience and devotion to God, and seek our Father’s will. Ask Him to make you more like Jesus!