James 3:17 Study Questions on Peaceable Wisdom

Written by Paul J Bucknell on November, 21, 2018

James 3:17 Study Questions on Peaceable Wisdom

BIG IDEA of James 3:17

Peace and order are a gift from God stemming from living in accord to God’s good ways.

Icebreaker Question

Some people find peace in a certain quiet place but share an experience of harmony and peace found with other people.

Background check!

Think through the Bible where the word wisdom is referred to, or a person displays it.

Bible Study Questions from James 3:17

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.” (James 3:17 - NASB)

Observation Questions

  1. What does James contrast the “wisdom from above” with from the previous verses (James 3:13-16)?
  2. List the characteristics of “wisdom from above.”
  1. Define each of the above characteristics. Look in a dictionary as necessary or desired. Write the definition next to the quality above.

Discussion Questions

  1. How would you describe wisdom (before looking at this passage)?
  2. How does James’ description differ from yours?
  3. How does this verse display wisdom as desirable and good?
  4. Go through each characteristic and describe how wisdom is needed to live that quality out.
  1. For further practical discussion, share about your experiences growing up and whether God’s wisdom was present or not.
  2. Think of one situation where you need God’s wisdom to increase the peace and harmony. Share about it and then in prayer seek His wisdom for that area. Be sensitive to how the Lord might give you ideas.

Main Purpose

God’s manifests His presence when His wisdom appears. Harmony, love, peace, reasonable, etc., all are God’s signature of blessing on our lives and situations.


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