Written by Paul J Bucknell on January, 29, 2021
Mark 13:27 The Greatest Search: Jesus’ Second Return
Jesus’ words are so interesting!
I deal with all sorts of search engines; perhaps you do too. In the old days, we had Bible concordances (I saw a copy of Strong’s Concordance in a library the other day.) But now, we get on a bible app, insert the word “hope” and find out where the word in the Bible appears. Or on my websites, you can likewise find loads of biblical resources with a few strokes—try it!
But the greatest search is not by a great corporation like Google, or for select information. The Great Search will soon begin! This dramatic event starts at Jesus’ return.
Jesus’ return brings all sorts of thoughts and dreams—like Jesus’ judgment, the rapture, His display of power, or just the revelation of His glory to our minds. But Mark 13:27 speaks of something crucial that happens prior or simultaneous (in eternity’s “time”) to all these things—Jesus’ great search. Look carefully at what this verse states. What kind of search takes place here?
“And then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven” (Mark 13:27 NASB).
God will search for every last child of His, no matter what distant corner of the universe he or she is located. Jesus tells us about this great search, his global search on earth, to the farthest end, from Africa to North America, from China to South America, and everywhere in between. Every saint that is living will be caught up in His presence (1 Thes 4:17). His search doesn’t stop here, however.
God continues to search the heavens. “To the farthest end of heaven.” Our greatest detection devices have yet to reach the ends of the heavens, but that is no problem to the Lord. His angels will sweep every last corner of the distant heavens. I assume that means the sphere of where the saints who have long gone on rest, but we can’t be sure. (This is no place to start making doctrine about this matter.)
What is the point of Jesus’ words?
When everything seems to be in chaos; when everything we have saved seems to be lost; when injustice has reached a death-defying ugliness, Jesus will collect all of His people into His arms. You will not be forgotten!
Consider a great earthquake, as will happen in the last days. Many wounded people are buried away, long forgotten. God reminds us that He will come search for every last one of His people. Those Jesus came to save and redeem will finally be brought home to heaven’s shores in His presence and His new kingdom.
Check out the BFF NT Digital Library, which includes all our New Testament resources.