Written by Paul J Bucknell on January, 01, 2022
An Extended Outline for the Book of Ezra by Paul J. Bucknell
Ezra: Introduction | Short outline || Extended outline | Study notes/questions | Revival Ezra9:8-10
A Brief Introduction to Ezra
“The Former Prophets from Joshua to Kings had sought to show how history was a revelation of God.
The purpose of the Chronicler was very different. Writing probably about 400 BC or a little later he wanted to encourage the Jews in their despondency. They had indeed returned in part from the Babylonian exile and had been able to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, but every vestige of political freedom remained denied to them, and there was no sign of the reestablishment of the Davidic monarchy.
The Chronicler saw clearly that in the history of Israel two things were inextricably intertwined, the Davidic dynasty and the Temple – not the Tabernacle. So he wrote a history of both, so that men might recognize that if the Temple had been restored, then a restoration of the monarchy might be confidently expected.
What he did not realize was that the lack of asking really showed that the Temple was no more than a shell without glory, waiting for the coming king to give it a new meaning.”
The Message of the Old Testament by H.L. Ellison, pp. 86-87.
Extended Outline for the Book of Ezra
Paul J. Bucknell
I. Rebuilding the Temple
Chapter 1 The Decree to Rebuild the Temple
A. The Proclamation (Ezra 1:1-6)
1. Its Reason (Ezra 1)
2. Its Content (Ezra 2-4)
3. Its fulfillment (Ezra 5-6)
B. The Temple Articles (Ezra 1:7-11)
1. Deliverance and definition (Ezra 7-8)
2. Description and numbering (Ezra 9-10)
3. Transportation of articles (Ezra 11)
Chapter 2 The Returning Exiles (Ezra 2:1-70)
A. Men of Israel (2:1-35)
B. Men of priesthood and temple service (2:36-38)
C. Men of unconfirmed household (2:39-63)
1. Excluded from priesthood and unclean
2. Wait until Urim and Thurim
D. Summary (2:64-67)
E. The Return to Judah (2:68-70)
Chapter 3 The Temple Restoration Begins (Ezra 3:1-13)
A. Rebuilding of the Altar (3:1-2)
1. Built after Law of Moses (3:2)
2. Purpose is to offer burnt offerings (3:2)
3. Time was the 7th month
B. Reinstituting of Worship (3:3-6)
C. Rebuilding Temple First Time (3:7-13)
Chapter 4 The Adversaries Halt Restoration (Ezra 4:1-24)
A. Israel and Enemies Meet (4:1-5)
B. Enemies Advance Disdainful Plans (4:6-16)
C. The King’s Decree (4:17-22)
D. The Enemies Submit to Decree (4:23-24)
Chapter 5 The Resumption of the Temple Restoration (Ezra 5:1-17)
A. Continuing of Temple Rebuilding (5:1-5)
1. Word of God came (1-2)
2. Questioned (3)
3. Rebuilding Continues with challenges (4-5)
B. Letter to King Darius (5:6-17)
II. Purifying the People
Chapter 6 The Temple Completed (Ezra 6:1-22)
A. Finding of King Cyrus’ decree (6:1-5)
B. Darius’ Decree (6:6-12)
C. Completion of Temple (6:13-15)
D. Celebration and Dedication (6:16-18)
E. Observance of Feasts (6:19-22)

Chapter 7 Ezra is Appointed by King Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:1-28)
A. Ezra Goes to Jerusalem (7:1-10)
1. His Heritage (7:1-6)
2. His travels (7:7-10)
B. Artaxerxes’ Decree to Ezra (7:11-26)
C. Ezra’s Exaltation of God (7:27-28)
Chapter 8 Ezra Leads the Exiles to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:1-36)
A. List of returnees (8:1-14)
B. Delay to get priests (8:15-20)
C. Fast before the journey (8:21-23)
D. Priests’ charge to guard valuables (8:29-30)
E. The journey to Jerusalem (8:31-36)
Chapter 9 Ezra Intercedes on Behalf of Israel (Ezra 9:1-15)
A. Ezra hears about israel’s sin (9:1-4)
B. Ezra’s prayer to God (9:5-15)
1. Confesses Israel’s sins (9:5-7)
2. Acknowledges God’s Love (9:8-9)
3. The broken commandments (9:10-12)
4. Israel’s Guilt (9:13-15)
Chapter 10 Ezra Purifies the People (Ezra 10:1-44)
A. Shecaniah Suggests a plan of action (10:1-4)
B. Ezra’s proclamation and warning 10:(5-8)
C. A Big Conference (10:9-15)
D. The Peoples’ Response (10:16-24)
1. General Response (10:16-17)
2. The priests (10:18-22)
3. The Levites (10:23)
4. The singers and gatekeepers (10:24)
5. The Israelites (10:25-44)
Background | Outline | Questions
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