Written by Paul J Bucknell on March, 15, 2025
Isaiah 26:9 God’s Greater Purposes for Judgment
“For when the earth experiences Thy judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness” (Isaiah 26:9).
Many people wonder how God can tolerate the horrible evil surrounding us. When we think things can’t get worse, they do! Impossible, vile scenes continue to invade our sight. Why does God allow this? Isaiah 26:9 reveals one reason.
The Inevitable Judgments
Isaiah reminds us that the earth will endure God’s judgments: “For when the earth experiences Thy judgments.” Judgments humble the proud, allowing them a small lesson of righteousness. God oversees these judgments as He sees fit.
Our history books depict some of these situations, though not as thoroughly or accurately as God perceives them or as the individuals facing these judgments experience them. Unless we share their suffering, we can hardly understand their grief and pain, although that pain is very real. We remain ignorant of the tragedies occurring each day.
Why are judgments inevitable? Why does the prophet say, “When the earth…?” It’s important to remember that things did not have to be this way. They only occurred when sin entered mankind’s heart and turned him from God. God, being righteous, exercised His judgment, though not immediately; He allowed judgment to wait for a time. Adam and Eve both sinned, yet they lived for hundreds of years. Judgments are inevitable because our sinful acts and wayward hearts provoke God’s judgment to strike and will ultimately eliminate all shades of evil.
God wants us to understand the pangs of the world, which are His judgments and repetitive calls to step from our haughty and self-sufficient ways. The world faces many calamities. How much do we learn from them?
Mercy and Judgment
What is the point of slow judgments? If the earth deserves judgment, isn’t it easier to wipe us all off the surface of the planet and cast us into hell’s dungeon? God, however, is merciful: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). His immense mercy is evident in how He repeatedly warns us through these lesser judgments to soften the impact of His impending unfettered judgment.

Learning Righteousness
Isaiah 26:9 reveals that God’s purposes for these more minor judgments are to help us learn righteousness while also judging wickedness. Against this horrifying backdrop of the great Day of Judgment, some, hopefully many, will find refreshment in His drops of mercy and seek refuge in God’s abundant and forgiving embrace of love, which is found in Christ Jesus.
The purpose of these judgments, whether small or looming, is for “the inhabitants of the world to learn righteousness.” Consider several thoughts. First, God is not only concerned with His own people, the Israelites at that time, but with the entire world—“inhabitants of the world.” Later, we observe the preservation of the world through the way the Gospel reaches the ends of the earth. Prolonging the complete judgment allows for temporary measures, calling people to seek God and His righteousness. Peter broadens our understanding of this truth.
8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. 9 The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:8-9).
Deferring the Great Day of Judgment does not portray a weak God, nor should it reflect God’s nonchalant attitude toward our rebellious ways. Time holds no significance for God but holds off on delivering His complete judgment to demonstrate patience; indeed, “not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.” (It appears Isaiah 26:9 was the seed for Peter’s related thoughts.)
Unbelievers should repent and seek His righteousness. When they are awakened by invasion, earthquake or famine, they should then seek God. This could be the last chance to learn righteousness. Delaying judgment only further jeopardizes the impending Judgment Day, the Day of the Lord. We are wise, even if we are few, to seek Him. He does not wish for anyone to perish.
Believers must put aside their worldly distractions to help those facing severe judgment. An excellent opportunity to share the Gospel and the promise of eternal life lies before us. Current troubles warn us of even greater challenges.warn us of even greater ones to come!
The Secular Match
The “when” signifies a form of judgment upon our world. When God’s time arrives, judgment will follow. Country leaders may attempt to postpone judgment, but only Nineveh’s repentance can achieve this. Ultimately, Assyria was judged, and our countries will face the same fate.
Heady secularists and ultra-wealthy oligarchs are steering us toward their preferred policies. They remain oblivious to God’s righteous standards, expectations, and care for humanity.
Is there any contest over who will win? Psalm 2 shows us that there is no genuine competition. God laughs at the rulers of the earth. They may attempt to seize control of the planet, gather its resources, and suppress people’s independence; yet God’s judgments will inevitably come upon them.
Regardless of the plans they invest in, and despite the wealth and careful preparation that go into them, they swiftly confront God’s judgment. God’s plan remains brilliantly on track. Just as man hardens his heart, God hardens His against them (see Exodus 7 and 8 for a clearer picture). “For when the earth experiences Thy judgments, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness” (Isaiah 26:9). Nothing can interfere with God’s lessons, not even man’s reckless and defiled plans. They are specially designed for God to extract the last bit of righteousness from the earth and His people.
Judgment and Victory
Droughts, fires, floods, tornadoes, extreme weather, terrible storms, and enemies from within and without have all been tools of the Lord to exercise His judgments on mankind. Civilizations may have never sunk lower than today, with its brash immorality, illogical reasoning, and revolting brainwashing teachings and rules. The media can pour forth its filth to the world in unimaginable ways.
Every civilization reaches its low ebb, prompting its oppressed people to long for judgment. Evil has become too pronounced, painful, and ruinous. However, let’s not rush. Each moment of delay allows God to showcase His immense mercy.
Isaiah reminds us of the importance of learning righteousness. I can think of many easier and more enjoyable ways to learn righteousness from His Word. But humankind is an obstinate bunch. This struggle will continue, until the final judgment. Just as in Egypt, the lesser judgments preceded the greatest. “For this time I will send all My plagues on you and your servants and your people, so that you may know that there is no one like Me in all the earth” (Exodus 9:14). May we come to know God’s majestic might and righteousness earlier than later, easier rather than through judgments. It’s time we esteemed His righteousness.
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