Written by Paul J Bucknell on September, 15, 2021
Psalm 57:10-11 God’s Indescribable Love
Master poet, King David, begins to capture the majestic glory of God’s love.
10 For Your lovingkindness is great to the heavens
And Your truth to the clouds.
11 Be exalted above the heavens, O God;
Let Your glory be above all the earth.
(Psalm 57:10-11, (NASB))
God is awesome in every way, but many things can cloud or dull our grasp of God’s glory. Its helpful to hear David’s words, often serving as themes in Christian songs, to regain our wonder about God.
We are gifted differently but similarly need to stretch our imagination and abilities to describe God’s majestic love better. Three words highlight the indescribable love of God described by David: Immeasurable, Priceless, and Unimaginable.
Immeasurable Love
God’s love is “great to the heavens.” What does this mean?
Since we have not yet found the edge of the universe, its measurements remain beyond our capacity. The extent of the immeasurable heavens describes the greatness of God’s love.
Paul says,
“17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God” (Eph 3:17-19).
God’s love surpasses knowledge.
These words penned by David aren’t a poetry or imagination class assignment but a truth-telling record. God’s love displays itself in practical, helpful ways, stirring David to use extraordinary words to capture some semblance of God’s magnificent love.

Priceless Love (Undeserving)
For David, the incalculable skies served as the best instrument to describe the incredible kindness of God. He witnessed God’s abundant blessings in his life despite the foolish steps and decisions of his past.
Paul proves man’s guilt before God when referring to Abraham and David in Romans 4:6-8, establishing salvation is by grace through faith—not through works, “Just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works (6).”
Jesus knew experiencing God’s extreme mercy leads to a deeply grateful heart for those that have been forgiven much.
“For this reason I say to you, her sins,
which are many, have been forgiven,
for she loved much; but he who is forgiven little,
loves little” (Luke 7:47).
We are unable and unfit to describe God’s love for us in Christ adequately, but He has knit our hearts to Him, being forgiven and accepted as His sons (John 1:12)!
Due to our desperate circumstances, God’s love in Christ becomes invaluable to us.
Unimaginable Love
Verse 10 is a marvelous description of God’s inexpressible love, but verse 11 extends far beyond that!
Be exalted above the heavens, O God;
Let Your glory be above all the earth.
David states God’s love reaches to the heavens in verse 10, but in verse 11, he testifies to God’s praise and glory being raised even higher—above the heavens and the earth. With our spectacular telescopes and satellites, we can peer far into the heavens, and though far above the earth, it is not above the heavens. God’s praise and glory radiate like the majestic lights we see lighting the glorious heavens, like an exquisite garment, only rightly befitting our magnificent God.
Psalm 57 relates a difficult time in David’s life when he, no doubt, felt forsaken and unworthy of God’s help. Amazingly, however, God stepped into David’s stressful circumstances and freed him from his pursuers, no doubt including King Saul’s tedious pursuit. When David discovered God’s willingness to help him even when he had failed, he recorded this wonderful Psalm, calling all of us, with him, to find and explore God’s extreme love, giving us the occasion to exalt Him” “we exult in hope of the glory of God” (Rom 5:2).

Discussion Questions on God’s Indescribable Love
- Read through Psalm 57:10-11 again and state which word seems to pop out to you. Why? If needed, stay reflecting on these verses until some word becomes personal to you.
- What does lovingkindness mean (NASB)?
- Consider David’s experience in Psalm 57 and elsewhere and pick out two situations where God manifested His great love to David.
- What does it mean that God’s “lovingkindness is great to the heaven?”
- List some adjectives or phrases that you use to describe great circumstances.
- Lovingkindness touches on the meaning of mercy. How did David experience mercy (read through Psalm 57 if necessary)?
- Describe a situation where you were very appreciative of God’s forgiving mercy shown through Christ.
- Do your best to rewrite verse 11 in your own words. You might combine it with some situation where God revealed His extreme grace to you.
- Close in prayer, expressing your gratitude and adoration of God
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