Ecclesiastes 07:15-22 Making Sense of Nonsense

Expository treatment of this difficult section of Ecclesiastes in chapter 7.

A life that honors God is the best life.

In Ecclesiastes 7:15-22, we will examine some of Solomon’s observations. These might not be our experiences, but they provide a good sample to evaluate our responses and reset our convictions on God and His Word as necessary.

1) Life’s Complexity (Ecc 7:15) 

2) Advice’s Paradox (Ecc 7:16-18)

3) Wisdom’s Tools (Ecc 7:19-22)

Corresponding Article

 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: The Pursuit of Independent Success -The Discovery of Loving Relationships

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: The Pursuit of Independent Success -The Discovery of Loving Relationships

Part 1: Provides a general introduction to the Book of Ecclesiastes as a setting for the discussion on Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 on Independent Success.