Isaiah 43:1-3 How the God of the Impossible Provides Security

By putting our trust in God we find absolute, peace-giving security that nothing can chase away. (Isaiah 43:1-3)

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Exodus 12:35-36 Reparation or Reward? (Part 1 of 2)

Exodus 12:35-36 Reparation or Reward? (Part 1 of 4)

Part 1 (of 2) teaches and defends the Egyptian wealth transfer to the Israelites in Exodus 12:35-36 as an undeserved reward, a display of God’s favor, rather than reparations or repayment. Part 2 provides a fuller examination of reparations. People increasingly hijack Exodus 12:35-36 to support societal reparation, social justice, and Critical Race Theory.