MGL1 Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12, The Making of a Godly Leader - A Video Overview

The Making of a Godly Leader (Isaiah 52:13–53:12), part 1 of 6, A great Good Friday or Lent study.

Are you ready to dive deep into Isaiah 53 and uncover its powerful message for Christian leaders? This passage is not just about prophecy—it’s about servant leadership, sacrifice, and God’s divine strategy. In this devotional, we explore how Jesus Christ, the ultimate Servant, exemplifies the qualities every godly leader should embrace.

Through Isaiah 52:13–53:12, we see Christ’s accomplishments, sufferings, innocence, and ultimate victory. This study will challenge you to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Jesus (Luke 9:23). It’s a call to live a life of obedience, resilience, and faithfulness in leadership.

  • Why is Isaiah 53 often hidden?
  • How does Jesus’ suffering reveal God’s plan for your life?
  • What does it mean to lead like Christ in a world that resists Him?

Join us as we uncover the deep spiritual truths of Isaiah 53 and apply them to our Christian walk and leadership journey.

About the Author

Instructor: Paul J. Bucknell is a passionate author of over 25 books and has been a dedicated contributor to the global church for many years. Alongside his wonderful wife, he's also the proud father of eight children! As a former cross-cultural church planter and pastor, and now with 25 years of experience teaching Christian leaders, Paul has a wealth of knowledge and insights to share. Paul is the founder and president of Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF).

BFF’S TWO WEBSITES: We specialize in demonstrating how God’s Word applies practically to our lives, empowering us to have a brighter testimony and filling our hearts with gratitude to God.


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Corresponding Article

The Making of a Godly Leader: Isaiah 52:13-53:12 An Overview

MGL1 Isaiah 52:13-53:12, An Overview of The Making of a Godly Leader

The Making of a Godly Leader (Isaiah 52:13–53:12), part 1, introduces the Fourth Servant Song, using ample illustrations to display the magnificence of Isaiah 53 and challenging us to godly leadership.