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How did Jesus endure suffering with such humility and strength? Isaiah 53:7-9 reveals the astonishing attitude of Christ as He faced injustice, pain, and death. Though falsely accused, beaten, and led to slaughter like a lamb, He remained silent—fully surrendered to God’s plan.
This powerful Bible study devotional explores the deep significance of Christ’s response to suffering and how His silence speaks volumes about faith, obedience, and endurance. His example challenges us to trust in God even in the face of trials and to surrender our own will to His greater purpose.
As we journey through Lent and prepare for Easter, reflecting on Jesus’ silent strength will deepen our appreciation for His ultimate sacrifice and inspire us to walk in faith and humility.
This Christian devotional on Isaiah 53:7-9 explores Jesus’ attitude in suffering and why He remained silent before His accusers. As we reflect during Lent and Easter, this message teaches us about faith, endurance, and complete surrender to God’s plan.
About the Author
Instructor: Paul J. Bucknell is a passionate author of over 25 books and has been a dedicated contributor to the global church for many years. Alongside his wonderful wife, he's also the proud father of eight children! As a former cross-cultural church planter and pastor, and now with 25 years of experience teaching Christian leaders, Paul has a wealth of knowledge and insights to share. Paul is the founder and president of Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF).
Get Paul’s new book! The Making of a Godly Leader from Isaiah 53.
BFF’S TWO WEBSITES: We specialize in demonstrating how God’s Word applies practically to our lives, empowering us to have a brighter testimony and filling our hearts with gratitude to God.
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This expositional teaching on Isaiah 53:7-9 captures the Servant's Attitude, especially regarding injustice, God’s will, and suffering. 1. Jesus willingly suffered (Isaiah 53:7) 2. He terribly suffered (Isaiah 53:8) 3. He innocently suffered (Isaiah 53:9)
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