A Work in Progress
We have been desiring to update the BFF website for many years. The original and still functioning website is still found at https://www.foundationsforfreedom.net. Please visit that website for many resources and a functioning store.
As to this one, we are gradually working at the new, mobile-friendly design. Google and search engines are now frowning on old websites so we need to resubmit thousands of pages. It will take a while. On the good side, with the new website—and it will probably all move over to this one at some point—I have already posted many new resources. I am not putting new resources on the old website, though our Digital Libraries are kept up to date.
We are hoping that we get the links functioning properly on this new website and get the store up running by February or March. I did the whole old website with many thousands of links, but I need to work with others in getting this new kind of website working. I guess I am getting slower as I get older. Please be patient!
Thanks again for your readership! May God bless you.
In God’s Majestic Service,
Paul J. Bucknell