Written by Paul J Bucknell on September, 09, 2024
Prayer Letter #397
Complete in Christ
“We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28).
Dear Prayer Partners,
Hold everything! Do you mean we are not just to get people into heaven but to present them complete in Christ? Right, this is the purpose of discipleship, shepherding, teaching, etc.
Our work includes bringing people into God’s kingdom and building them up to their full potential in Christ. Surely, God has given BFF many relevant Christian training resources to help people reach completeness in Christ. The life of Christ is to permeate our lives so that Christ’s likeness fills every lacking place.
As I get older, I compete with time. And so I press on with writing. Recently, my equal focus has been on completing the video teachings of BFF courses. Praise the Lord, by His grace, I’ve already taught ten lessons on the new course, Unity: The Forgotten Treasure. Each week, I also add new training videos for The Godly Man: When God Touches a Man’s Heart. I’ve completed four, two each on purity and humility. Each session refreshes and challenges my own soul! (See the QR codes below!)
But I sense God is doing something greater, bringing all our resources together with more focus. The YouTube channel has helped bring each course to fuller completion. However, there are many loose ends. Pray for wisdom that God can powerfully use these resources worldwide for His glory!

- Paul has already video-recorded ten new lessons on the course Unity: The Forgotten Treasure. What fun and challenge!
- I thank the Lord that my two backaches have only slowed my work down a little bit; my back is now better.
- 66 videos, with over 20 new ones, have been uploaded to our new YouTube channel since it launched one to two months ago.
- Paul appreciates God’s extra grace to keep up with this self-imposed weekly video class.
- October 13th, Paul is speaking at the English congregation at RCCC (Raleigh Chinese Christian Church)
- Extra wisdom for an increased number of people seeking counsel.
- I’m still working to complete Book 2 on Quality Times with God.
- Linda picked up a cold, which made her cough and lungs worse. The doctor wants her to get a chest x-ray tomorrow.
- Nov 2nd, Paul exhibits BFF resources at a Triangle Missions:Together conference (Raleigh area).
- Pray for the church in Burma, still under civil war. Another orphanage had to escape to the village tribes high in the mountains. Pastor David brought 37 children, while others left the country to avoid military service. I’ve held several seminars with him.