TSM03 The Middle Stage of Marriage, Stage 2

Learn what makes a stale and dull marriage and how to grow from it! Session 3 of 4.

Session 3 introduces marriage's second stage—the good and bad of a typical marriage. ‘Okay’ marriages often settle for the lesser conditional (fileo) love: If you are kind to me, I’ll be kind to you. If you are mean to me, I’ll be mean to you. These marriages do not provide strong marriages, often allowing bitterness to ruin the relationship, if not the marriage.

The Three Stages of Marriage


Stage 1: Early Marriage

Stage 2: Middle Marriage

Stage 3: Mature Marriage

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Bringing Harmony 
to a Marriage

Bringing Harmony 
to a Marriage

– Parenting and Disciplining Children – Below is the step by step process by which we understand and create marital harmony by properly parenting our children. A special area of child discipline is used as an example